Our whole development utilizes well-scoped and well-typed terms. In this style, the most common binder representation is by using lists as contexts and well-typed DeBruijn indices as variables. This is nice and good, but sometimes we would rather have had another, isomorphic, representation. Indeed in an intensional type theory like Coq, sometimes crossing an isomorphism is pretty painful.
As such, we here define what it means for an alternate definition of contexts to "behave like lists and DeBruijn indices".
This is a very natural extension to the theory of substitution by Marcelo Fiore and Dimitri Szamozvancev, and in fact a variant of the "Nameless, Painless" approach by Nicolas Pouillard.
Categorically, it very simple. Contexts are represented by a set C, a distinguished element ∅ and a binary operation - +▶ -. Additionally it has a map representing variable 𝐯 : C → 𝐀 where 𝐀 is a sufficiently well-behaved category, typically a presheaf category. We then ask that
is the coproduct in 𝐀.Our category of contexts is then the full image of 𝐯, which has the structure of a commutative monoid. Then, given a family X : C → 𝐀, it is easy to define assignments as:
Γ =[X]> Δ ≔ 𝐀[ 𝐯 Γ , X Δ ]
And renamings as:
Γ ⊆ Δ ≔ Γ =[ 𝐯 ]> Δ ≔ 𝐀[ 𝐯 Γ , 𝐯 Δ ]
Assuming 𝐀 is (co-)powered over Set, the substitution tensor product and substitution internal hom in C → 𝐀 are given by:
( X ⊗ Y ) Γ ≔ ∫^Δ X Δ × (Δ =[ Y ]> Γ) ⟦ X , Y ⟧ Γ ≔ ∫_Δ (Γ =[ X ]> Δ) → Y Δ
More generally, given a category 𝐁 (co-)powered over Set we can define the the following functors, generalizing the substitution tensor and hom to heretogeneous settings:
( - ⊗ - ) : (C → 𝐁) → (C → 𝐀) → (C → 𝐁) ( X ⊗ Y ) Γ ≔ ∫^Δ X Δ × (Δ =[ Y ]> Γ) ⟦ - , - ⟧ : (C → 𝐀) → (C → 𝐁) → (C → 𝐁) ⟦ X , Y ⟧ Γ ≔ ∫_Δ (Γ =[ X ]> Δ) → Y Δ
We here apply the above theory to the case where 𝐀 is the family category T → Set for some set T. Taking T to the set of types of some object language, families C → 𝐀, ie C → T → Set, model nicely well-scoped and well-typed families. To capture non-typed syntactic categories, indexed only by a scope, we develop the special case where 𝐁 is just Set.
We then instanciate this abstract structure with the usual lists and DeBruijn indices, but also with two useful instances: the direct sum, where the notion of variables 𝐯 is the pointwise coproduct and the subset, where the notion of variables is preserved.
In further work we wish to tacle this in more generality, notable treating the case for the idiomatic presentation of well-scoped untyped syntax where 𝐀 is Set, C is ℕ and 𝐯 is Fin. Currently, we do treat untyped syntax, but using the non-idiomatic "unityped" presentation.
The first part of the context structure: the distinguished empty context, the binary concatenation and the family of variables.
Class context (T C : Type) := { c_emp : C ; c_cat : C -> C -> C ; c_var : C -> T -> Type ; }. #[global] Notation "∅" := c_emp : ctx_scope. #[global] Notation "Γ +▶ Δ" := (c_cat Γ Δ) : ctx_scope. #[global] Notation "Γ ∋ t" := (c_var Γ%ctx t).
Next we need to formalize the isomorphisms stating that variables map the empty context to the initial family and the concatenation to the coproduct family. To do this we will not write the usual forward map and backward map that compose to the identity, but we will rather formalize injections with inhabited fibers. The reason for this equivalent presentation is that it will ease dependent pattern matching by providing the isomorphisms as "views" (see "The view from the left" by Conor McBride).
First lets define the two injection maps.
Class context_cat_wkn (T C : Type) {CC : context T C} := {
r_cat_l {Γ Δ} [t] : Γ ∋ t -> Γ +▶ Δ ∋ t ;
r_cat_r {Γ Δ} [t] : Δ ∋ t -> Γ +▶ Δ ∋ t ;
Then, assuming such a structure, we define two inductive families characterizing the fibers.
Section with_param. Context `{C : context_cat_wkn X T}. Variant c_emp_view t : ∅ ∋ t -> Type := .
Variant c_cat_view Γ Δ t : Γ +▶ Δ ∋ t -> Type := | Vcat_l (i : Γ ∋ t) : c_cat_view Γ Δ t (r_cat_l i) | Vcat_r (j : Δ ∋ t) : c_cat_view Γ Δ t (r_cat_r j) .
End with_param.
Finally we give the rest of the laws: functions witnessing the inhabitedness of the fibers and the injectivity of the two injection maps. This last statement is split into 3 as we have separated the embedding for coproducts into two separate maps.
Class context_laws T C {CC : context T C} := {
c_var_cat :: context_cat_wkn T C ;
c_view_emp {t} i : c_emp_view t i ;
c_view_cat {Γ Δ t} i : c_cat_view Γ Δ t i ;
r_cat_l_inj {Γ Δ t} : injective (@r_cat_l _ _ _ _ Γ Δ t) ;
r_cat_r_inj {Γ Δ t} : injective (@r_cat_r _ _ _ _ Γ Δ t) ;
r_cat_disj {Γ Δ t} (i : Γ ∋ t) (j : Δ ∋ t) : ¬ (r_cat_l i = r_cat_r j) ;
} .