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From OGS Require Import Prelude.
From OGS.Ctx Require Import All Subst.
From OGS.OGS Require Import Game Strategy.
From OGS.OGS Require Soundness.
From OGS.Examples Require STLC_CBV ULC_CBV SystemL_CBV SystemD.
Module generic.
Import Soundness.
Goal True.
idtac "=============================".
idtac "Generic OGS soundness theorem".
idtac "=============================".
idtac "1. Arguments and type".
idtac "-----------------------------".
About Soundness.ogs_correction.
Goal True.
idtac "--------------".
idtac "2. Assumptions".
idtac "--------------".
Print Assumptions Soundness.ogs_correction.
End generic.
Module stlc.
Import STLC_CBV.
Goal True.
idtac "===================================================".
idtac " Simply-typed lambda-calculus OGS soundness theorem".
idtac "===================================================".
idtac "1. Arguments and type".
idtac "---------------------------------------------------".
About STLC_CBV.stlc_ciu_correct.
Goal True.
idtac "--------------".
idtac "2. Assumptions".
idtac "--------------".
Print Assumptions STLC_CBV.stlc_ciu_correct.
End stlc.
Module ulc.
Import ULC_CBV.
Goal True.
idtac "==============================================".
idtac " Untyped lambda-calculus OGS soundness theorem".
idtac "==============================================".
idtac "1. Arguments and type".
idtac "----------------------------------------------".
About ULC_CBV.ulc_ciu_correct.
Goal True.
idtac "--------------".
idtac "2. Assumptions".
idtac "--------------".
Print Assumptions ULC_CBV.ulc_ciu_correct.
End ulc.
Module systeml.
Import SystemL_CBV.
Goal True.
idtac "===================================".
idtac " CBV System L OGS soundness theorem".
idtac "===================================".
idtac "1. Arguments and type".
idtac "-----------------------------------".
About SystemL_CBV.ciu_correct.
Goal True.
idtac "--------------".
idtac "2. Assumptions".
idtac "--------------".
Print Assumptions SystemL_CBV.ciu_correct.
End systeml.
Module systemd.
Import SystemD.
Goal True.
idtac "=========================================".
idtac " Polarized System D OGS soundness theorem".
idtac "=========================================".
idtac "1. Arguments and type".
idtac "-----------------------------------------".
About SystemD.ciu_correct.
Goal True.
idtac "--------------".
idtac "2. Assumptions".
idtac "--------------".
Print Assumptions SystemD.ciu_correct.
End systemd.