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Direct sum of context structure

A random calculus you may find in the wild will most likely not fit into the rigid well-scoped and well-typed format with concrete contexts and DeBruijn indices. Sometimes this is because the designers have found useful to formalize this calculus with two contexts, storing two kinds of variables for different use. The usual trick is to change the set of types to a coproduct and store everything in one big context, eg using ctx (S + T) instead of ctx S × ctx T. This does work, but it might make some things more cumbersome.

Using our abstraction over context structures, we can readily express the case of two separate contexts: the direct sum.

Let's assume we have two contexts structures.

Section with_param.
  Context {T1 C1 : Type} {CC1 : context T1 C1} {CL1 : context_laws T1 C1}.
  Context {T2 C2 : Type} {CC2 : context T2 C2} {CL2 : context_laws T2 C2}.

A pair of contexts is just that.

  Definition dsum := C1 × C2.

Empty context and concatenation are without suprise.

  Definition c_emp2 : dsum := (∅ , ∅) .

  Definition c_cat2 (Γ12 : dsum) (Δ12 : dsum) : dsum
    := (fst Γ12 +▶ fst Δ12 , snd Γ12 +▶ snd Δ12).

Now the interesting part: variables! The new set of types is either a type from the first context or from the second: T₁ + T₂. We then compute the set of variables by case splitting on this coproduct: either a variable from the left or from the right.

  Equations c_var2 : dsum -> T1 + T2 -> Type :=
   c_var2 Γ12 (inl t1) := fst Γ12 ∋ t1 ;
   c_var2 Γ12 (inr t2) := snd Γ12 ∋ t2 .

This instanciates the relevant part.

  #[global] Instance direct_sum_context : context (T1 + T2) dsum :=
    {| c_emp := c_emp2 ; c_cat := c_cat2 ; c_var := c_var2 |}.

And the laws are straightforward.

T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2

context_cat_wkn (T1 + T2) dsum
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2

context_cat_wkn (T1 + T2) dsum
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2

forall (Γ Δ : dsum) (t : T1 + T2), Γ ∋ t -> Γ +▶ Δ ∋ t
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2
forall (Γ Δ : dsum) (t : T1 + T2), Δ ∋ t -> Γ +▶ Δ ∋ t
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2

forall (Γ Δ : dsum) (t : T1 + T2), Γ ∋ t -> Γ +▶ Δ ∋ t
intros ?? [ t1 | t2 ] i; cbn; now apply r_cat_l.
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2

forall (Γ Δ : dsum) (t : T1 + T2), Δ ∋ t -> Γ +▶ Δ ∋ t
intros ?? [ t1 | t2 ] i; cbn; now apply r_cat_r. Defined.
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2

context_laws (T1 + T2) dsum
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2

context_laws (T1 + T2) dsum
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2

forall (t : T1 + T2) (i : c_var2 c_emp2 t), c_emp_view t i
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2
forall (Γ Δ : dsum) (t : T1 + T2) (i : c_var2 (c_cat2 Γ Δ) t), c_cat_view Γ Δ t i
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2
forall (Γ Δ : dsum) (t : T1 + T2), injective match t as s return (c_var2 Γ s -> c_var2 (c_cat2 Γ Δ) s) with | inl a => fun i : fst Γ ∋ a => r_cat_l i | inr b => fun i : snd Γ ∋ b => r_cat_l i end
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2
forall (Γ Δ : dsum) (t : T1 + T2), injective match t as s return (c_var2 Δ s -> c_var2 (c_cat2 Γ Δ) s) with | inl a => fun i : fst Δ ∋ a => r_cat_r i | inr b => fun i : snd Δ ∋ b => r_cat_r i end
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2
forall (Γ Δ : dsum) (t : T1 + T2) (i : c_var2 Γ t) (j : c_var2 Δ t), ¬ (match t as s return (c_var2 Γ s -> c_var2 (c_cat2 Γ Δ) s) with | inl a => fun i0 : fst Γ ∋ a => r_cat_l i0 | inr b => fun i0 : snd Γ ∋ b => r_cat_l i0 end i = match t as s return (c_var2 Δ s -> c_var2 (c_cat2 Γ Δ) s) with | inl a => fun i0 : fst Δ ∋ a => r_cat_r i0 | inr b => fun i0 : snd Δ ∋ b => r_cat_r i0 end j)
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2

forall (t : T1 + T2) (i : c_var2 c_emp2 t), c_emp_view t i
intros [] i; cbn in i; now destruct (c_view_emp i).
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2

forall (Γ Δ : dsum) (t : T1 + T2) (i : c_var2 (c_cat2 Γ Δ) t), c_cat_view Γ Δ t i
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2
Γ, Δ: dsum
t: T1
i: fst Γ ∋ t

c_cat_view Γ Δ (inl t) (r_cat_l i)
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2
Γ, Δ: dsum
t: T1
j: fst Δ ∋ t
c_cat_view Γ Δ (inl t) (r_cat_r j)
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2
Γ, Δ: dsum
t: T2
i: snd Γ ∋ t
c_cat_view Γ Δ (inr t) (r_cat_l i)
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2
Γ, Δ: dsum
t: T2
j: snd Δ ∋ t
c_cat_view Γ Δ (inr t) (r_cat_r j)
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2
Γ, Δ: dsum
t: T1
j: fst Δ ∋ t

c_cat_view Γ Δ (inl t) (r_cat_r j)
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2
Γ, Δ: dsum
t: T2
i: snd Γ ∋ t
c_cat_view Γ Δ (inr t) (r_cat_l i)
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2
Γ, Δ: dsum
t: T2
j: snd Δ ∋ t
c_cat_view Γ Δ (inr t) (r_cat_r j)
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2
Γ, Δ: dsum
t: T2
i: snd Γ ∋ t

c_cat_view Γ Δ (inr t) (r_cat_l i)
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2
Γ, Δ: dsum
t: T2
j: snd Δ ∋ t
c_cat_view Γ Δ (inr t) (r_cat_r j)
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2
Γ, Δ: dsum
t: T2
j: snd Δ ∋ t

c_cat_view Γ Δ (inr t) (r_cat_r j)
now refine (Vcat_r _).
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2

forall (Γ Δ : dsum) (t : T1 + T2), injective match t as s return (c_var2 Γ s -> c_var2 (c_cat2 Γ Δ) s) with | inl a => fun i : fst Γ ∋ a => r_cat_l i | inr b => fun i : snd Γ ∋ b => r_cat_l i end
intros ?? []; cbn; intros ?? H; now apply (r_cat_l_inj _ _ H).
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2

forall (Γ Δ : dsum) (t : T1 + T2), injective match t as s return (c_var2 Δ s -> c_var2 (c_cat2 Γ Δ) s) with | inl a => fun i : fst Δ ∋ a => r_cat_r i | inr b => fun i : snd Δ ∋ b => r_cat_r i end
intros ?? []; cbn; intros ?? H; now apply (r_cat_r_inj _ _ H).
T1, C1: Type
CC1: context T1 C1
CL1: context_laws T1 C1
T2, C2: Type
CC2: context T2 C2
CL2: context_laws T2 C2

forall (Γ Δ : dsum) (t : T1 + T2) (i : c_var2 Γ t) (j : c_var2 Δ t), ¬ (match t as s return (c_var2 Γ s -> c_var2 (c_cat2 Γ Δ) s) with | inl a => fun i0 : fst Γ ∋ a => r_cat_l i0 | inr b => fun i0 : snd Γ ∋ b => r_cat_l i0 end i = match t as s return (c_var2 Δ s -> c_var2 (c_cat2 Γ Δ) s) with | inl a => fun i0 : fst Δ ∋ a => r_cat_r i0 | inr b => fun i0 : snd Δ ∋ b => r_cat_r i0 end j)
intros ?? []; cbn; intros ?? H; now apply (r_cat_disj _ _ H). Qed. End with_param.

Let's have a notation for this.

#[global] Arguments dsum C1 C2 : clear implicits.
#[global] Notation "C ⊕ D" := (dsum C D).