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Coq Prelude

This file contains a bunch of setup, global options and imports.

Our notations have evolved quite organically. It would need refactoring, for now we just disable warnings related to it.

#[global] Set Warnings "-notation-overridden".
#[global] Set Warnings "-parsing".

Enable negative records with definitional eta-equivalence. A requirement for well-behaved coinductive types.

#[global] Set Primitive Projections.

We use a lot of implicit variable declaration around typeclasses.

#[global] Generalizable All Variables.

Import the Equations library by Matthieu Sozeau, for Agda-like dependent pattern-matching.

From Equations Require Export Equations.
#[global] Set Equations Transparent.
#[global] Set Equations With UIP.

We import dependent induction tactics and inline rewriting notations from the Coq standard library.

Also we hook up Equations with axiom K (equivalent to unicity of identity proofs, UIP), for even more powerful matching.

Require Export Coq.Program.Equality.
Export EqNotations.

forall X : Type, UIP X
X: Type

EqdepFacts.Eq_rect_eq X
exact (Eqdep.Eq_rect_eq.eq_rect_eq _). Qed. #[global] Existing Instance YesUIP.

We import basic definition for the use of the universe of strict proposition SProp.

Require Export Coq.Logic.StrictProp.

A bunch of notations and definitions for basic datatypes.

#[global] Notation "f ∘ g" := (fun x => f (g x))
 (at level 40, left associativity) : function_scope.

#[global] Notation "a ,' b" := (existT _ a b) (at level 30).

Definition uncurry {A B} {C : A -> B -> Type} (f : forall a b, C a b) (i : A * B)
  := f (fst i) (snd i).

Definition curry {A B} {C : A -> B -> Type} (f : forall i, C (fst i) (snd i)) a b
  := f (a , b).

#[global] Notation curry' := (fun f a b => f (a ,' b)).
#[global] Notation uncurry' := (fun f x => f (projT1 x) (projT2 x)).

#[global] Notation "A × B" := (prod A%type B%type) (at level 20).

Finite types.

Variant T0 : Type := .
Derive NoConfusion for T0.

Variant T1 : Type := T1_0.
Derive NoConfusion for T1.

Absurdity elimination.

Definition ex_falso {A : Type} (bot : T0) : A := match bot with end.

Decidable predicates.

#[global] Notation "¬ P" := (P -> T0) (at level 5).
Variant decidable (X : Type) : Type :=
| Yes : X -> decidable X
| No : ¬X -> decidable X
Derive NoConfusion NoConfusionHom for decidable.

Subset types based on strict propositions.

Record sigS {X : Type} (P : X -> SProp) := { sub_elt : X ; sub_prf : P sub_elt }.
Arguments sub_elt {X P}.
Arguments sub_prf {X P}.

X: Type
P: X -> SProp
a, b: sigS P
H: sub_elt a = sub_elt b

a = b
X: Type
P: X -> SProp
e: X
p: P e
b: sigS P
H: e = sub_elt b

{| sub_elt := e; sub_prf := p |} = b
X: Type
P: X -> SProp
e: X
b: sigS P
H: e = sub_elt b
p: P (sub_elt b)

{| sub_elt := sub_elt b; sub_prf := p |} = b
change p with b.(sub_prf); reflexivity. Qed.


Definition substS {X : SProp} (P : X -> Type) (a b : X) : P a -> P b := fun p => p .

A, B, C: Type
x: A
y: B
f: A -> B -> C

f_equal2 f eq_refl eq_refl = eq_refl
apply YesUIP. Qed. Definition injective {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) := forall x y : A, f x = f y -> x = y .