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Adequacy (Def 6.1)

We prove in this module that the composition of strategy is adequate. The proof essentially proceeds by showing that "evaluating and observing", i.e., reduce, is a solution of the same equations as is the composition of strategies.

This argument assumes we can rely on the unicity of such a solution: we prove this fact by proving that these equations are eventually guarded in OGS/CompGuarded.v.

We consider a language abstractly captured as a machine satisfying an appropriate axiomatization.

  Context {T C} {CC : context T C} {CL : context_laws T C}.
  Context {val} {VM : subst_monoid val} {VML : subst_monoid_laws val}.
  Context {conf} {CM : subst_module val conf} {CML : subst_module_laws val conf}.
  Context {obs : obs_struct T C} {M : machine val conf obs} {ML : machine_laws val conf obs}.
  Context {VV : var_assumptions val}.

We define reduce, called "zip-then-eval-then-observe" in the paper.

  Definition reduce {Ξ”} (x : reduce_t Ξ”)
    : delay (obsβˆ™ Ξ”)
    := evalβ‚’ (x.(red_act).(ms_conf)
              β‚œβŠ› [ a_id , bicollapse x.(red_act).(ms_env) x.(red_pas) ]) .

  Definition reduce' {Ξ”} : forall i, reduce_t Ξ” -> itree βˆ…β‚‘ (fun _ : T1 => obsβˆ™ Ξ”) i
    := fun 'T1_0 => reduce .

Equipped with eventually guarded equations, we are ready to prove the adequacy.

First a technical lemma, rewriting one step of compo, then reduce to a simpler more explicit form.

T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
x: reduce_t Ξ”

(compo_body x >>= (fun (i : T1) (r : (fun _ : T1 => (reduce_t Ξ” + obs βˆ™ Ξ”)%type) i) => match r with | inl y => reduce' i y | inr o => Ret' (o : (fun _ : T1 => obs βˆ™ Ξ”) i) end)) β‰Š (eval (ms_conf (red_act x)) >>= (fun (i : T1) (n : (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (red_ctx x))) i) => match c_view_cat (nf_var n) with | Vcat_l i0 => Ret' (i0 β‹… nf_obs n) | Vcat_r j => reduce' i {| red_ctx := Game.g_next (j β‹… nf_obs n); red_act := m_strat_resp (red_pas x) (j β‹… nf_obs n); red_pas := ms_env (red_act x);⁻ nf_args n |} end))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
x: reduce_t Ξ”

(compo_body x >>= (fun (i : T1) (r : (fun _ : T1 => (reduce_t Ξ” + obs βˆ™ Ξ”)%type) i) => match r with | inl y => reduce' i y | inr o => Ret' (o : (fun _ : T1 => obs βˆ™ Ξ”) i) end)) β‰Š (eval (ms_conf (red_act x)) >>= (fun (i : T1) (n : (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (red_ctx x))) i) => match c_view_cat (nf_var n) with | Vcat_l i0 => Ret' (i0 β‹… nf_obs n) | Vcat_r j => reduce' i {| red_ctx := Game.g_next (j β‹… nf_obs n); red_act := m_strat_resp (red_pas x) (j β‹… nf_obs n); red_pas := ms_env (red_act x);⁻ nf_args n |} end))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
x: reduce_t Ξ”

(eval (ms_conf (red_act x)) >>= (fun i : T1 => (fun (i0 : T1) (x1 : obs βˆ™ Ξ” + {m : Game.g_move (red_ctx x) & m_strat_pas Ξ” (Game.g_next m)}) => match match x1 with | inl r => inr r | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Game.g_next (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (red_pas x) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end with | inl y => reduce' i0 y | inr o => Ret' o end) i ∘ (fun _ : T1 => m_strat_wrap (ms_env (red_act x))) i)) β‰Š (eval (ms_conf (red_act x)) >>= (fun (i : T1) (n : nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (red_ctx x))) => match c_view_cat (nf_var n) with | Vcat_l i0 => Ret' (i0 β‹… nf_obs n) | Vcat_r j => reduce' i {| red_ctx := Game.g_next (j β‹… nf_obs n); red_act := m_strat_resp (red_pas x) (j β‹… nf_obs n); red_pas := ms_env (red_act x);⁻ nf_args n |} end))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
x: reduce_t Ξ”

dpointwise_relation (fun i : T1 => (eq ==> it_eq (eqα΅’ (fun _ : T1 => obs βˆ™ Ξ”)) (i:=i))%signature) (fun (i : T1) (x0 : nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (red_ctx x))) => match match m_strat_wrap (ms_env (red_act x)) x0 with | inl r => inr r | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Game.g_next (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (red_pas x) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end with | inl y => reduce' i y | inr o => Ret' o end) (fun (i : T1) (n : nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (red_ctx x))) => match c_view_cat (nf_var n) with | Vcat_l i0 => Ret' (i0 β‹… nf_obs n) | Vcat_r j => reduce' i {| red_ctx := Game.g_next (j β‹… nf_obs n); red_act := m_strat_resp (red_pas x) (j β‹… nf_obs n); red_pas := ms_env (red_act x);⁻ nf_args n |} end)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
x: reduce_t Ξ”
a: T1
cut_ty: T
i: Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (red_ctx x) βˆ‹ cut_ty
fill_op: obs cut_ty
fill_args: dom fill_op =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (red_ctx x))

match match m_strat_wrap (ms_env (red_act x)) (i β‹… fill_op ⦇ fill_args ⦈) with | inl r => inr r | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Game.g_next (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (red_pas x) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end with | inl y => reduce' a y | inr o => Ret' o end β‰Š match c_view_cat (nf_var (i β‹… fill_op ⦇ fill_args ⦈)) with | Vcat_l i0 => Ret' (i0 β‹… nf_obs (i β‹… fill_op ⦇ fill_args ⦈)) | Vcat_r j => reduce' a {| red_ctx := Game.g_next (j β‹… nf_obs (i β‹… fill_op ⦇ fill_args ⦈)); red_act := m_strat_resp (red_pas x) (j β‹… nf_obs (i β‹… fill_op ⦇ fill_args ⦈)); red_pas := ms_env (red_act x);⁻ nf_args (i β‹… fill_op ⦇ fill_args ⦈) |} end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
x: reduce_t Ξ”
a: T1
cut_ty: T
i: Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (red_ctx x) βˆ‹ cut_ty
fill_op: obs cut_ty
fill_args: dom fill_op =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (red_ctx x))

match match match c_view_cat i with | Vcat_l i => inl (i β‹… fill_op) | Vcat_r j => inr ((j β‹… fill_op),' (ms_env (red_act x);⁻ nf_args (i β‹… fill_op ⦇ fill_args ⦈))) end with | inl r => inr r | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := red_ctx x β–Άβ‚“ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (red_pas x) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end with | inl y => reduce' a y | inr o => Ret' o end β‰Š match c_view_cat i with | Vcat_l i => Ret' (i β‹… fill_op) | Vcat_r j => reduce' a {| red_ctx := red_ctx x β–Άβ‚“ dom fill_op; red_act := m_strat_resp (red_pas x) (j β‹… fill_op); red_pas := ms_env (red_act x);⁻ nf_args (i β‹… fill_op ⦇ fill_args ⦈) |} end
now destruct (c_view_cat i). Qed.

Next we derive a variant of "evaluation respects substitution", working with partial assignments [ a_id , e ] instead of full assignments.

  Definition eval_split_sub {Ξ“ Ξ”} (c : conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)) (e : Ξ“ =[val]> Ξ”)
    : delay (nf obs val Ξ”)
    := eval c >>= fun 'T1_0 n =>
         match c_view_cat (nf_var n) with
         | Vcat_l i => Ret' (i β‹… nf_obs n ⦇ nf_args n βŠ› [ v_var,  e ] ⦈)
         | Vcat_r j => eval (e _ j βŠ™ nf_obs n β¦— nf_args n βŠ› [ v_var,  e ] ⦘)
         end .

T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ“, Ξ”: C
c: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
e: Ξ“ =[ val ]> Ξ”

eval (c β‚œβŠ› [a_id, e]) ≋ eval_split_sub c e
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ“, Ξ”: C
c: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
e: Ξ“ =[ val ]> Ξ”

eval (c β‚œβŠ› [a_id, e]) ≋ eval_split_sub c e
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ“, Ξ”: C
c: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
e: Ξ“ =[ val ]> Ξ”

eval (c β‚œβŠ› [a_id, e]) ≋ eval c >>= (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“) -> itree βˆ…β‚‘ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val Ξ”) x) in fun n : nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“) => match c_view_cat (nf_var n) with | Vcat_l i => Ret' (i β‹… nf_obs n ⦇ nf_args n βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦈) | Vcat_r j => eval (e (nf_ty n) j βŠ™ nf_obs n β¦— nf_args n βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦘) end)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ“, Ξ”: C
c: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
e: Ξ“ =[ val ]> Ξ”

bind_delay' (eval c) (fun n : nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“) => eval (emb n β‚œβŠ› [a_id, e])) ≋ eval c >>= (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“) -> itree βˆ…β‚‘ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val Ξ”) x) in fun n : nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“) => match c_view_cat (nf_var n) with | Vcat_l i => Ret' (i β‹… nf_obs n ⦇ nf_args n βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦈) | Vcat_r j => eval (e (nf_ty n) j βŠ™ nf_obs n β¦— nf_args n βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦘) end)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ“, Ξ”: C
c: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
e: Ξ“ =[ val ]> Ξ”

dpointwise_relation (fun i : T1 => (eq ==> it_eq (fun _ : T1 => nf_eq) (i:=i))%signature) (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“) -> itree βˆ…β‚‘ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val Ξ”) x) in fun y : nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“) => eval (emb y β‚œβŠ› [a_id, e])) (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“) -> itree βˆ…β‚‘ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val Ξ”) x) in fun n : nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“) => match c_view_cat (nf_var n) with | Vcat_l i => Ret' (i β‹… nf_obs n ⦇ nf_args n βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦈) | Vcat_r j => eval (e (nf_ty n) j βŠ™ nf_obs n β¦— nf_args n βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦘) end)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ“, Ξ”: C
c: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
e: Ξ“ =[ val ]> Ξ”
cut_ty: T
i: Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“ βˆ‹ cut_ty
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)

it_eq (fun _ : T1 => nf_eq) (eval (a_id i βŠ™ o β¦— nf_args (i β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, e])) match c_view_cat i with | Vcat_l i0 => Ret' (i0 β‹… o ⦇ nf_args (i β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦈) | Vcat_r j => eval (e cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— nf_args (i β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦘) end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ“, Ξ”: C
c: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
e: Ξ“ =[ val ]> Ξ”
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
i: Ξ” βˆ‹ cut_ty

it_eq (fun _ : T1 => nf_eq) (eval (a_id (r_cat_l i) βŠ™ o β¦— nf_args (r_cat_l i β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, e])) (Ret' (i β‹… o ⦇ nf_args (r_cat_l i β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦈))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ“, Ξ”: C
c: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
e: Ξ“ =[ val ]> Ξ”
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
j: Ξ“ βˆ‹ cut_ty
it_eq (fun _ : T1 => nf_eq) (eval (a_id (r_cat_r j) βŠ™ o β¦— nf_args (r_cat_r j β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, e])) (eval (e cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— nf_args (r_cat_r j β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦘))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ“, Ξ”: C
c: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
e: Ξ“ =[ val ]> Ξ”
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
i: Ξ” βˆ‹ cut_ty

it_eq (fun _ : T1 => nf_eq) (eval (a_id (r_cat_l i) βŠ™ o β¦— nf_args (r_cat_l i β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, e])) (Ret' (i β‹… o ⦇ nf_args (r_cat_l i β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦈))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ“, Ξ”: C
c: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
e: Ξ“ =[ val ]> Ξ”
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
i: Ξ” βˆ‹ cut_ty

it_eq (fun _ : T1 => nf_eq) (eval (a_id (r_cat_l i) βŠ™ o β¦— a ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, e])) (Ret' (i β‹… o ⦇ a βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦈))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ“, Ξ”: C
c: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
e: Ξ“ =[ val ]> Ξ”
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
i: Ξ” βˆ‹ cut_ty

it_eq (fun _ : T1 => nf_eq) (eval (([a_id, e])%asgn cut_ty (r_cat_l i) βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦘)) (Ret' (i β‹… o ⦇ a βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦈))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ“, Ξ”: C
c: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
e: Ξ“ =[ val ]> Ξ”
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
i: Ξ” βˆ‹ cut_ty

it_eq (fun _ : T1 => nf_eq) (eval (a_id i βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦘)) (Ret' (i β‹… o ⦇ a βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦈))
now apply (eval_nf_ret (i β‹… o ⦇ a βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦈)).
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ“, Ξ”: C
c: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
e: Ξ“ =[ val ]> Ξ”
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
j: Ξ“ βˆ‹ cut_ty

it_eq (fun _ : T1 => nf_eq) (eval (a_id (r_cat_r j) βŠ™ o β¦— nf_args (r_cat_r j β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, e])) (eval (e cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— nf_args (r_cat_r j β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦘))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ“, Ξ”: C
c: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
e: Ξ“ =[ val ]> Ξ”
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Ξ“)
j: Ξ“ βˆ‹ cut_ty

it_eq (fun _ : T1 => nf_eq) (eval (([a_id, e])%asgn cut_ty (r_cat_r j) βŠ™ o β¦— nf_args (r_cat_r j β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦘)) (eval (e cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— nf_args (r_cat_r j β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, e] ⦘))
cbn; now rewrite c_view_cat_simpl_r. Qed.

Note the use of iter_evg_uniq: the proof of adequacy is proved by unicity of the fixed point, which is made possible by equivalently viewing the fixpoint combinator used to define the composition of strategy as a fixpoint of eventually guarded equations.

T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
a: Game.ogs_ctx
c: m_strat_act Ξ” a
e: m_strat_pas Ξ” a

reduce {| red_ctx := a; red_act := c; red_pas := e |} β‰Š (c βˆ₯g e)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
a: Game.ogs_ctx
c: m_strat_act Ξ” a
e: m_strat_pas Ξ” a

reduce {| red_ctx := a; red_act := c; red_pas := e |} β‰Š (c βˆ₯g e)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
a: Game.ogs_ctx
c: m_strat_act Ξ” a
e: m_strat_pas Ξ” a

forall (i : T1) (x : reduce_t Ξ”), (let 'T1_0 as x0 := i return (reduce_t Ξ” -> itree βˆ…β‚‘ (fun _ : T1 => obs βˆ™ Ξ”) x0) in fun u : reduce_t Ξ” => reduce u) x β‰Š ((let 'T1_0 as x0 := i return (reduce_t Ξ” -> itree βˆ…β‚‘ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Ξ”) +α΅’ (fun _ : T1 => obs βˆ™ Ξ”)) x0) in fun u : reduce_t Ξ” => compo_body u) x >>= (fun (i0 : T1) (r : ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Ξ”) +α΅’ (fun _ : T1 => obs βˆ™ Ξ”)) i0) => match r with | inl x0 => (let 'T1_0 as x1 := i0 return (reduce_t Ξ” -> itree βˆ…β‚‘ (fun _ : T1 => obs βˆ™ Ξ”) x1) in fun u : reduce_t Ξ” => reduce u) x0 | inr y => Ret' y end))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx

reduce {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |} β‰Š (compo_body {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |} >>= (fun (i : T1) (r : ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Ξ”) +α΅’ (fun _ : T1 => obs βˆ™ Ξ”)) i) => match r with | inl x => (let 'T1_0 as x0 := i return (reduce_t Ξ” -> itree βˆ…β‚‘ (fun _ : T1 => obs βˆ™ Ξ”) x0) in fun u : reduce_t Ξ” => reduce u) x | inr y => Ret' y end))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx

reduce {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |} β‰Š (eval (ms_conf (red_act {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |})) >>= (fun (i : T1) (n : nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))) => match c_view_cat (nf_var n) with | Vcat_l i0 => Ret' (i0 β‹… nf_obs n) | Vcat_r j => reduce' i {| red_ctx := Game.g_next (j β‹… nf_obs n); red_act := m_strat_resp (Strategy.red_pas {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) (j β‹… nf_obs n); red_pas := ms_env (red_act {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |});⁻ nf_args n |} end))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx

then_to_obs (eval_split_sub (ms_conf (red_act {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |})) (bicollapse (ms_env (red_act {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |})) (Strategy.red_pas {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))) β‰Š (eval (ms_conf (red_act {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |})) >>= (fun (i : T1) (n : nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))) => match c_view_cat (nf_var n) with | Vcat_l i0 => Ret' (i0 β‹… nf_obs n) | Vcat_r j => reduce' i {| red_ctx := Game.g_next (j β‹… nf_obs n); red_act := m_strat_resp (Strategy.red_pas {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) (j β‹… nf_obs n); red_pas := ms_env (red_act {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |});⁻ nf_args n |} end))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx

(eval (ms_conf (red_act {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |})) >>= (fun i : T1 => fmap (fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) i ∘ (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x0 := pat return (nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |})) -> itree βˆ…β‚‘ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val Ξ”) x0) in fun n : nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |})) => match c_view_cat (nf_var n) with | Vcat_l i0 => Ret' (i0 β‹… nf_obs n ⦇ nf_args n βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse (ms_env (red_act {| ...; ...; ... |})) (Strategy.red_pas {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ... |}; red_pas := red_pas |})] ⦈) | Vcat_r j => eval (bicollapse (ms_env (red_act {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ...; ... |}; red_pas := red_pas |})) (Strategy.red_pas {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) (nf_ty n) j βŠ™ nf_obs n β¦— nf_args n βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse (ms_env (red_act {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := ...; red_pas := red_pas |})) (Strategy.red_pas {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ...; ... |}; red_pas := red_pas |})] ⦘) end) i)) β‰Š (eval (ms_conf (red_act {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |})) >>= (fun (i : T1) (n : nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))) => match c_view_cat (nf_var n) with | Vcat_l i0 => Ret' (i0 β‹… nf_obs n) | Vcat_r j => reduce' i {| red_ctx := Game.g_next (j β‹… nf_obs n); red_act := m_strat_resp (Strategy.red_pas {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) (j β‹… nf_obs n); red_pas := ms_env (red_act {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |});⁻ nf_args n |} end))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx

dpointwise_relation (fun i : T1 => (eq ==> it_eq (eqα΅’ (fun _ : T1 => obs βˆ™ Ξ”)) (i:=i))%signature) (fun i : T1 => fmap (fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) i ∘ (let 'T1_0 as x0 := i return (nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |})) -> itree βˆ…β‚‘ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val Ξ”) x0) in fun n : nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |})) => match c_view_cat (nf_var n) with | Vcat_l i0 => Ret' (i0 β‹… nf_obs n ⦇ nf_args n βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse (ms_env (red_act {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |})) (Strategy.red_pas {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |})] ⦈) | Vcat_r j => eval (bicollapse (ms_env (red_act {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |})) (Strategy.red_pas {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) (nf_ty n) j βŠ™ nf_obs n β¦— nf_args n βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse (ms_env (red_act {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |})) (Strategy.red_pas {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |})] ⦘) end)) (fun (i : T1) (n : nf obs val (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))) => match c_view_cat (nf_var n) with | Vcat_l i0 => Ret' (i0 β‹… nf_obs n) | Vcat_r j => reduce' i {| red_ctx := Game.g_next (j β‹… nf_obs n); red_act := m_strat_resp (Strategy.red_pas {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) (j β‹… nf_obs n); red_pas := ms_env (red_act {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |});⁻ nf_args n |} end)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
i: Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))

((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> match c_view_cat i with | Vcat_l i0 => Ret' (i0 β‹… o ⦇ nf_args (i β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦈) | Vcat_r j => eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— nf_args (i β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘) end) β‰Š match c_view_cat i with | Vcat_l i => Ret' (i β‹… o) | Vcat_r j => reduce {| red_ctx := red_ctx β–Άβ‚“ dom o; red_act := m_strat_resp red_pas (j β‹… o); red_pas := v;⁻ nf_args (i β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) |} end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
i: Ξ” βˆ‹ cut_ty

((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> match c_view_cat (r_cat_l i) with | Vcat_l i0 => Ret' (i0 β‹… o ⦇ nf_args (r_cat_l i β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦈) | Vcat_r j => eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— nf_args (r_cat_l i β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘) end) β‰Š match c_view_cat (r_cat_l i) with | Vcat_l i => Ret' (i β‹… o) | Vcat_r j => reduce {| red_ctx := red_ctx β–Άβ‚“ dom o; red_act := m_strat_resp red_pas (j β‹… o); red_pas := v;⁻ nf_args (r_cat_l i β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) |} end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> match c_view_cat (r_cat_r j) with | Vcat_l i => Ret' (i β‹… o ⦇ nf_args (r_cat_r j β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦈) | Vcat_r j0 => eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j0 βŠ™ o β¦— nf_args (r_cat_r j β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘) end) β‰Š match c_view_cat (r_cat_r j) with | Vcat_l i => Ret' (i β‹… o) | Vcat_r j0 => reduce {| red_ctx := red_ctx β–Άβ‚“ dom o; red_act := m_strat_resp red_pas (j0 β‹… o); red_pas := v;⁻ nf_args (r_cat_r j β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) |} end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
i: Ξ” βˆ‹ cut_ty

((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> match c_view_cat (r_cat_l i) with | Vcat_l i0 => Ret' (i0 β‹… o ⦇ nf_args (r_cat_l i β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦈) | Vcat_r j => eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— nf_args (r_cat_l i β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘) end) β‰Š match c_view_cat (r_cat_l i) with | Vcat_l i => Ret' (i β‹… o) | Vcat_r j => reduce {| red_ctx := red_ctx β–Άβ‚“ dom o; red_act := m_strat_resp red_pas (j β‹… o); red_pas := v;⁻ nf_args (r_cat_l i β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) |} end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
i: Ξ” βˆ‹ cut_ty

((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> Ret' (i β‹… o ⦇ nf_args (r_cat_l i β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦈)) β‰Š Ret' (i β‹… o)
apply it_eq_unstep; cbn; do 2 econstructor.
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty

((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> match c_view_cat (r_cat_r j) with | Vcat_l i => Ret' (i β‹… o ⦇ nf_args (r_cat_r j β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦈) | Vcat_r j0 => eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j0 βŠ™ o β¦— nf_args (r_cat_r j β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘) end) β‰Š match c_view_cat (r_cat_r j) with | Vcat_l i => Ret' (i β‹… o) | Vcat_r j0 => reduce {| red_ctx := red_ctx β–Άβ‚“ dom o; red_act := m_strat_resp red_pas (j0 β‹… o); red_pas := v;⁻ nf_args (r_cat_r j β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) |} end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty

((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— nf_args (r_cat_r j β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘)) β‰Š reduce {| red_ctx := red_ctx β–Άβ‚“ dom o; red_act := m_strat_resp red_pas (j β‹… o); red_pas := v;⁻ nf_args (r_cat_r j β‹… o ⦇ a ⦈) |}
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty

((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘)) β‰Š evalβ‚’ ((ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]])
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty

bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]]
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
H: bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]]
((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘)) β‰Š evalβ‚’ ((ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]])
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty

bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1 βŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]]) βŠ™ o β¦— (r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id) βŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]] ⦘
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
H: bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]]
((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘)) β‰Š evalβ‚’ ((ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]])
(* AAAAA setoid rewriting!!!! *)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty

?y = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1 βŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]]) βŠ™ o β¦— (r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id) βŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]] ⦘
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = ?y
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
H: bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]]
((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘)) β‰Š evalβ‚’ ((ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]])
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty

val (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Pas red_ctx) cut_ty
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
(Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Pas red_ctx) =[ val ]> Ξ”
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
?y = (?y0 α΅₯βŠ› ?y1) βŠ™ o β¦— (r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id) βŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]] ⦘
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j = ?y0
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
r_emb r_cat3_1 βŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]] ≑ₐ ?y1
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = ?y
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
H: bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]]
((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘)) β‰Š evalβ‚’ ((ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]])
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty

r_emb r_cat3_1 βŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]] ≑ₐ ?y1
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty

r_cat3_1 α΅£βŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]] ≑ₐ ?y1
now rewrite r_cat3_1_simpl; eauto.
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty

val (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Pas red_ctx) cut_ty
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
?y = (?y0 α΅₯βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]) βŠ™ o β¦— (r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id) βŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]] ⦘
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j = ?y0
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = ?y
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
H: bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]]
((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘)) β‰Š evalβ‚’ ((ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]])
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty

bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]) βŠ™ o β¦— (r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id) βŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]] ⦘
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
H: bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]]
((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘)) β‰Š evalβ‚’ ((ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]])
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty

bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]] ⦘
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
subst_monoid_laws val
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
H: bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]]
((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘)) β‰Š evalβ‚’ ((ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]])
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty

bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_r α΅£βŠ› (r_cat_r α΅£βŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]]) ⦘
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
subst_monoid_laws val
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
H: bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]]
((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘)) β‰Š evalβ‚’ ((ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]])
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty

bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]) βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
subst_monoid_laws val
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
H: bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]]
((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘)) β‰Š evalβ‚’ ((ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]])
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
H: (@eq ∘ (fun _ : Game.join_pol (Game.p_switch Game.Pas) red_ctx βˆ‹ cut_ty => val Ξ” cut_ty)) j ((ₐ↓ red_pas βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas])%asgn cut_ty j) (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j)

bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]) βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
subst_monoid_laws val
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
H: bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]]
((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘)) β‰Š evalβ‚’ ((ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]])
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty

subst_monoid_laws val
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
H: bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]]
((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘)) β‰Š evalβ‚’ ((ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]])
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
H: bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]]

((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘)) β‰Š evalβ‚’ ((ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]])
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
H: bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘ = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]]
xx:= bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘: conf Ξ”

((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> eval (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘)) β‰Š evalβ‚’ ((ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]])
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ”: C
red_ctx: Game.ogs_ctx
u: conf (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act red_ctx)
v: ogs_env Ξ” Game.Act red_ctx
red_pas: m_strat_pas Ξ” red_ctx
cut_ty: T
o: obs cut_ty
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Ξ” +β–Ά Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}))
j: Game.join_pol Game.Act (Strategy.red_ctx {| red_ctx := red_ctx; red_act := {| ms_conf := u; ms_env := v |}; red_pas := red_pas |}) βˆ‹ cut_ty
xx:= bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j βŠ™ o β¦— a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] ⦘: conf Ξ”
H: xx = (ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]]

((fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs Ξ”) <$> eval xx) β‰Š evalβ‚’ ((ₐ↓ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯βŠ› r_emb r_cat3_1) βŠ™ o β¦— r_cat_rr α΅£βŠ› a_id ⦘ β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a βŠ› [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]])
now rewrite H. Qed.

Adequacy (Def 6.1) holds.

T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ“, Ξ”: C
c: conf Ξ“
e: Ξ“ =[ val ]> Ξ”

evalβ‚’ (c β‚œβŠ› e) β‰Š (inj_init_act Ξ” c βˆ₯g inj_init_pas e)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ“, Ξ”: C
c: conf Ξ“
e: Ξ“ =[ val ]> Ξ”

evalβ‚’ (c β‚œβŠ› e) β‰Š (inj_init_act Ξ” c βˆ₯g inj_init_pas e)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Famβ‚€ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Ξ“, Ξ”: C
c: conf Ξ“
e: Ξ“ =[ val ]> Ξ”

evalβ‚’ (c β‚œβŠ› e) β‰Š evalβ‚’ ((c β‚œβŠ› r_emb (r_cat_r α΅£βŠ› r_cat_r)) β‚œβŠ› [a_id, [!, (e βŠ›α΅£ r_cat_l) βŠ› [a_id, !]]])
now rewrite <- c_sub_sub, a_ren_r_simpl, a_ren_l_comp, 2 a_cat_proj_r, a_ren_comp, a_cat_proj_l, a_comp_id. Qed. End with_param.