We prove in this module that the composition of strategy is adequate. The proof essentially proceeds by showing that "evaluating and observing", i.e., reduce, is a solution of the same equations as is the composition of strategies.
This argument assumes we can rely on the unicity of such a solution (Prop. 6): we prove this fact by proving that these equations are eventually guarded in OGS/CompGuarded.v.
We consider a language abstractly captured as a machine satisfying an appropriate axiomatization.
Context {T C} {CC : context T C} {CL : context_laws T C}.
Context {val} {VM : subst_monoid val} {VML : subst_monoid_laws val}.
Context {conf} {CM : subst_module val conf} {CML : subst_module_laws val conf}.
Context {obs : obs_struct T C} {M : machine val conf obs} {ML : machine_laws val conf obs}.
Context {VV : var_assumptions val}.
We define reduce, called "zip-then-eval-then-observe" (z-e-obs) in the paper.
Definition reduce {Ξ} (x : reduce_t Ξ)
: delay (obsβ Ξ)
:= evalβ (x.(red_act).(ms_conf)
ββ [ a_id , bicollapse x.(red_act).(ms_env) x.(red_pas) ]) .
Definition reduce' {Ξ} : forall i, reduce_t Ξ -> itree β
β (fun _ : T1 => obsβ Ξ) i
:= fun 'T1_0 => reduce .
Equipped with eventually guarded equations, we are ready to prove the adequacy.
First a technical lemma, which unfolds one step of composition, then reduce to a simpler more explicit form.
Lemma compo_reduce_simpl {Ξ} (x : reduce_t Ξ) :
(compo_body x >>= fun _ r =>
match r with
| inl y => reduce' _ y
| inr o => Ret' (o : (fun _ => obsβ _) _)
(eval x.(red_act).(ms_conf) >>= fun _ n =>
match c_view_cat (nf_var n) with
| Vcat_l i => Ret' (i β
nf_obs n)
| Vcat_r j => reduce' _ (RedT (m_strat_resp x.(red_pas) (j β
nf_obs n))
(x.(red_act).(ms_env) ;β» nf_args n))
do 2 (etransitivity; [ now apply fmap_bind_com | ]).
apply (subst_eq (RX := fun _ => eq)); eauto.
intros ? [ ? i [ ? ? ] ] ? <-.
unfold m_strat_wrap; cbn.
now destruct (c_view_cat i).
Next we derive a variant of "evaluation respects substitution", working with partial assignments [ a_id , e ] instead of full assignments.
Definition eval_split_sub {Ξ Ξ} (c : conf (Ξ +βΆ Ξ)) (e : Ξ =[val]> Ξ)
: delay (nf obs val Ξ)
:= eval c >>= fun 'T1_0 n =>
match c_view_cat (nf_var n) with
| Vcat_l i => Ret' (i β
nf_obs n β¦ nf_args n β [ v_var, e ] β¦)
| Vcat_r j => eval (e _ j β nf_obs n β¦ nf_args n β [ v_var, e ] β¦)
end .
Lemma eval_split {Ξ Ξ} (c : conf (Ξ +βΆ Ξ)) (e : Ξ =[val]> Ξ) :
eval (c ββ [ a_id , e ]) β eval_split_sub c e .
unfold eval_split_sub.
rewrite (eval_sub c ([ v_var , e ])).
apply (subst_eq (RX := fun _ => eq)); eauto.
intros [] [ ? i [ o a ] ] ? <-; unfold emb; cbn.
destruct (c_view_cat i).
+ unfold nf_args, fill_args, cut_r.
rewrite app_sub, v_sub_var.
cbn; rewrite c_view_cat_simpl_l.
now apply (eval_nf_ret (i β
o β¦ a β [a_id, e] β¦)).
+ rewrite app_sub, v_sub_var.
cbn; now rewrite c_view_cat_simpl_r.
Note the use of iter_evg_uniq: the proof of adequacy is proved by unicity of the fixed point, which is made possible by equivalently viewing the fixpoint combinator used to define the composition of strategy as a fixpoint of eventually guarded equations. We here prove the generalization of adequacy, namely that reduce is a fixed point of the composition equation.
Lemma adequacy_gen {Ξ a} (c : m_strat_act Ξ a) (e : m_strat_pas Ξ a) :
reduce (RedT c e) β (c β₯g e).
refine (iter_evg_uniq (fun 'T1_0 u => compo_body u) (fun 'T1_0 u => reduce u) _ _ T1_0 _).
clear a c e; intros [] [ ? [ u v ] ].
etransitivity; [ | symmetry; apply compo_reduce_simpl ].
unfold reduce at 1, evalβ at 1; rewrite eval_split.
etransitivity; [ apply bind_fmap_com | ].
apply (subst_eq (RX := fun _ => eq)); eauto.
intros [] [ ? i [ o a ] ] ? <-; unfold emb; cbn.
destruct (c_view_cat i).
- rewrite c_view_cat_simpl_l.
apply it_eq_unstep; cbn; do 2 econstructor.
- rewrite c_view_cat_simpl_r.
unfold reduce; cbn; unfold nf_args, cut_r, fill_args; cbn.
assert (H : (bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j β o β¦ a β [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] β¦)
= ((ββ red_pas cut_ty j α΅₯β r_emb r_cat3_1) β o β¦ r_cat_rr α΅£β a_id β¦
ββ [a_id, [bicollapse v red_pas, a β [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas]]])).
rewrite app_sub, <- v_sub_sub.
(* AAAAA setoid rewriting!!!! *)
etransitivity; cycle 1.
unshelve erewrite v_sub_proper.
5: { rewrite (a_ren_r_simpl _ r_cat3_1 _).
now rewrite r_cat3_1_simpl; eauto.
3,4: reflexivity.
change (?r α΅£β a_id)%asgn with (r_emb r); rewrite a_ren_r_simpl.
unfold r_cat_rr; rewrite a_ren_l_comp.
rewrite 2 a_cat_proj_r.
pose proof (H := collapse_fix_pas v red_pas _ j).
cbn in H; now rewrite H.
exact _.
pose (xx := bicollapse v red_pas cut_ty j β o β¦ a β [a_id, bicollapse v red_pas] β¦).
change (bicollapse v _ _ _ β o β¦ _ β¦) with xx in H |- *.
now rewrite H.
Adequacy (Prop. 7) holds.
Lemma adequacy {Ξ Ξ} (c : conf Ξ) (e : Ξ =[val]> Ξ) :
evalβ (c ββ e) β (inj_init_act Ξ c β₯ inj_init_pas e).
transitivity (inj_init_act Ξ c β₯g inj_init_pas e).
rewrite <- adequacy_gen; unfold reduce; cbn.
now rewrite <- c_sub_sub, a_ren_r_simpl,
a_ren_l_comp, 2 a_cat_proj_r,
a_ren_comp, a_cat_proj_l, a_comp_id.
apply iter_evg_iter.
End with_param.