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Eventual guardedness of the composition

We want to prove adequacy by unicity of solutions to the set of equations defining the composition. To do so, we rely on the notion of guarded iteration introduced in ITree/Guarded.v. Through this file, we prove that the composition is indeed eventually guarded. As described in §6.3, the proof relies crucially on the eval_app_not_var assumption (Def 6.21).

We consider a language abstractly captured as a machine satisfying an appropriate axiomatization.

  Context `{CC : context T C} {CL : context_laws T C}.
  Context {val} {VM : subst_monoid val} {VML : subst_monoid_laws val}.
  Context {conf} {CM : subst_module val conf} {CML : subst_module_laws val conf}.
  Context {obs : obs_struct T C} {M : machine val conf obs}.
  Context {ML : machine_laws val conf obs} {VV : var_assumptions val}.

  Notation ogs_ctx := (ogs_ctx (C:=C)).

A central elements in the proof lies in ensuring that there exists a unique solution to compo_body. Since the composition of strategies is defined as such a solution, adequacy can be established by proving that evaluating and observing the substituted term is also a solution of compo_body.

By iter_evg_uniq, we know that eventually guarded equations admit a unique fixed point: we hence start by proving this eventual guardedness, captured in lemma compo_body_guarded.

This proof will among other be using an induction on the age of a variable, ie it's height in the OGS position Φ. We provide this definition and utilities.

  Equations var_height Φ p {x} : ↓[p]Φ ∋ x -> nat :=
    var_height ∅ₓ       Pas i with c_view_emp i := { | ! } ;
    var_height ∅ₓ       Act i with c_view_emp i := { | ! } ;
    var_height (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) Pas i := var_height Φ Act i ;
    var_height (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) Act i with c_view_cat i := {
      | Vcat_l j := var_height Φ Pas j ;
      | Vcat_r j := 1 + c_length Φ } .
  #[global] Arguments var_height {Φ p x} i.

T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ogs_ctx
p: polarity
x: T
i: ↓[ p] Φ ∋ x

0 < var_height i
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ogs_ctx
p: polarity
x: T
i: ↓[ p] Φ ∋ x

0 < var_height i
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
i: ↓⁻ (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) ∋ x
H: 0 < var_height i

0 < var_height i
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
j: (fix join_pol (p : polarity) (o : ogs_ctx) {struct o} : C := match p with | Act => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ c0 => join_pol Pas c +▶ c0 end | Pas => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ _ => join_pol Act c end end o) Pas Φ ∋ x
H: 0 < var_height j
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_l j) = Vcat_l j
Heqcall: var_height j = var_height (r_cat_l j)
0 < var_height (r_cat_l j)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
j: Γ ∋ x
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_r j) = Vcat_r j
Heqcall: 1 + c_length Φ = var_height (r_cat_r j)
0 < var_height (r_cat_r j)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
i: ↓⁻ (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) ∋ x
H: 0 < var_height i

0 < var_height i
apply H.
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
j: (fix join_pol (p : polarity) (o : ogs_ctx) {struct o} : C := match p with | Act => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ c0 => join_pol Pas c +▶ c0 end | Pas => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ _ => join_pol Act c end end o) Pas Φ ∋ x
H: 0 < var_height j
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_l j) = Vcat_l j
Heqcall: var_height j = var_height (r_cat_l j)

0 < var_height (r_cat_l j)
rewrite <- Heqcall; apply H.
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
j: Γ ∋ x
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_r j) = Vcat_r j
Heqcall: 1 + c_length Φ = var_height (r_cat_r j)

0 < var_height (r_cat_r j)
rewrite <- Heqcall; apply Nat.lt_0_succ. Qed. Equations lt_bound : polarity -> relation nat := lt_bound Act := lt ; lt_bound Pas := le .
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ogs_ctx
p: polarity
x: T
i: ↓[ p] Φ ∋ x

lt_bound p (var_height i) (1 + c_length Φ)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ogs_ctx
p: polarity
x: T
i: ↓[ p] Φ ∋ x

lt_bound p (var_height i) (1 + c_length Φ)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
i: ↓⁻ (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) ∋ x
H: lt_bound Act (var_height i) (1 + c_length Φ)

(var_height i <= S (S (c_length Φ)))%nat
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
j: (fix join_pol (p : polarity) (o : ogs_ctx) {struct o} : C := match p with | Act => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ c0 => join_pol Pas c +▶ c0 end | Pas => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ _ => join_pol Act c end end o) Pas Φ ∋ x
H: lt_bound Pas (var_height j) (1 + c_length Φ)
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_l j) = Vcat_l j
Heqcall: var_height j = var_height (r_cat_l j)
var_height_clause_4 (@var_height) Φ Γ x (r_cat_l j) (c_view_cat (r_cat_l j)) < S (S (c_length Φ))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
j: Γ ∋ x
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_r j) = Vcat_r j
Heqcall: 1 + c_length Φ = var_height (r_cat_r j)
var_height_clause_4 (@var_height) Φ Γ x (r_cat_r j) (c_view_cat (r_cat_r j)) < S (S (c_length Φ))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
i: ↓⁻ (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) ∋ x
H: lt_bound Act (var_height i) (1 + c_length Φ)

(var_height i <= S (S (c_length Φ)))%nat
now apply Nat.lt_succ_r, Nat.le_le_succ_r, Nat.le_le_succ_r.
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
j: (fix join_pol (p : polarity) (o : ogs_ctx) {struct o} : C := match p with | Act => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ c0 => join_pol Pas c +▶ c0 end | Pas => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ _ => join_pol Act c end end o) Pas Φ ∋ x
H: lt_bound Pas (var_height j) (1 + c_length Φ)
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_l j) = Vcat_l j
Heqcall: var_height j = var_height (r_cat_l j)

var_height_clause_4 (@var_height) Φ Γ x (r_cat_l j) (c_view_cat (r_cat_l j)) < S (S (c_length Φ))
rewrite Heq; now apply Nat.lt_succ_r.
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
j: Γ ∋ x
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_r j) = Vcat_r j
Heqcall: 1 + c_length Φ = var_height (r_cat_r j)

var_height_clause_4 (@var_height) Φ Γ x (r_cat_r j) (c_view_cat (r_cat_r j)) < S (S (c_length Φ))
rewrite Heq; apply Nat.lt_succ_diag_r. Qed. Equations var_height' {Δ Φ p x} : Δ +▶ ↓[p]Φ ∋ x -> nat := var_height' i with c_view_cat i := { | Vcat_l j := O ; | Vcat_r j := var_height j } .

This is the main theorem about height: if we lookup a variable in an OGS environment and obtain another variable, then this new variable is strictly lower than the first one.

T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
p: polarity
v: ogs_env Δ p Φ
x: T
j: ↓[ p ^] Φ ∋ x
H: is_var (ₐ↓ v x j)

var_height' (is_var_get H) < var_height j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
p: polarity
v: ogs_env Δ p Φ
x: T
j: ↓[ p ^] Φ ∋ x
H: is_var (ₐ↓ v x j)

var_height' (is_var_get H) < var_height j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
p: polarity
v: ogs_env Δ p Φ
x: T
j: ↓[ p ^] Φ ∋ x
H: is_var (lookup v j ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom j ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r])

var_height' (is_var_get H) < var_height j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
p: polarity
v: ogs_env Δ p Φ
x: T
j: ↓[ p ^] Φ ∋ x
H: is_var (lookup v j)

var_height' (is_var_get (ren_is_var [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom j ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r] H)) < var_height j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
p: polarity
v: ogs_env Δ p Φ
x: T
j: ↓[ p ^] Φ ∋ x
H: is_var (lookup v j)

var_height' match c_view_cat (is_var_get H) with | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l i | Vcat_r j0 => r_cat_r (r_ctx_dom j x j0) end < var_height j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
p: polarity
v: ogs_env Δ p Φ
x: T
j: ↓[ p ^] Φ ∋ x
v0: val (Δ +▶ ctx_dom j) x
Heqv0: v0 = lookup v j
H: is_var v0

var_height' match c_view_cat (is_var_get H) with | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l i | Vcat_r j0 => r_cat_r (r_ctx_dom j x j0) end < var_height j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
p: polarity
v: ogs_env Δ p Φ
x: T
j: ↓[ p ^] Φ ∋ x
i: Δ ∋ x
Heqv0: a_id (r_cat_l i) = lookup v j

var_height' (r_cat_l i) < var_height j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
p: polarity
v: ogs_env Δ p Φ
x: T
j: ↓[ p ^] Φ ∋ x
j0: ctx_dom j ∋ x
Heqv0: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = lookup v j
var_height' (r_cat_r (r_ctx_dom j x j0)) < var_height j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
p: polarity
v: ogs_env Δ p Φ
x: T
j: ↓[ p ^] Φ ∋ x
i: Δ ∋ x
Heqv0: a_id (r_cat_l i) = lookup v j

var_height' (r_cat_l i) < var_height j
unfold var_height'; rewrite c_view_cat_simpl_l; apply var_height_pos.
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
p: polarity
v: ogs_env Δ p Φ
x: T
j: ↓[ p ^] Φ ∋ x
j0: ctx_dom j ∋ x
Heqv0: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = lookup v j

var_height' (r_cat_r (r_ctx_dom j x j0)) < var_height j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
p: polarity
v: ogs_env Δ p Φ
x: T
j: ↓[ p ^] Φ ∋ x
j0: ctx_dom j ∋ x
Heqv0: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = lookup v j

var_height (r_ctx_dom j x j0) < var_height j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
p: polarity
v: ogs_env Δ p Φ
x: T
j: ↓[ p ^] Φ ∋ x
j0: ctx_dom j ∋ x
Heqv0: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = lookup v j
a: ctx_dom j ⊆ ↓[ p] Φ
Heqa: a = r_ctx_dom j

var_height (a x j0) < var_height j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
i: ↓[ Act ^] (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) ∋ x
H: forall (Δ : C) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (j0 : ctx_dom i ∋ x), a_id (r_cat_r j0) = lookup v i -> forall a : ctx_dom i ⊆ ↓⁻ Φ, a = r_ctx_dom i -> var_height (a x j0) < var_height i
Δ: C
v: ogs_env Δ Act (Φ ▶ₓ Γ)
j0: ctx_dom i ∋ x
Heqv0: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = lookup v i

var_height (r_ctx_dom i x j0) < var_height i
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
j: (fix join_pol (p : polarity) (o : ogs_ctx) {struct o} : C := match p with | Act => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ c0 => join_pol Pas c +▶ c0 end | Pas => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ _ => join_pol Act c end end o) Pas Φ ∋ x
H: forall (Δ : C) (v : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (j0 : ctx_dom j ∋ x), a_id (r_cat_r j0) = lookup v j -> forall a : ctx_dom j ⊆ ↓⁺ Φ, a = r_ctx_dom j -> var_height (a x j0) < var_height j
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_l j) = Vcat_l j
Δ: C
v: ogs_env Δ Pas (Φ ▶ₓ Γ)
j1: ctx_dom (r_cat_l j) ∋ x
Heqv0: a_id (r_cat_r j1) = lookup v (r_cat_l j)
var_height (r_ctx_dom (r_cat_l j) x j1) < var_height (r_cat_l j)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
j: Γ ∋ x
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_r j) = Vcat_r j
Δ: C
v: ogs_env Δ Pas (Φ ▶ₓ Γ)
j1: ctx_dom (r_cat_r j) ∋ x
Heqv0: a_id (r_cat_r j1) = lookup v (r_cat_r j)
var_height (r_ctx_dom (r_cat_r j) x j1) < var_height (r_cat_r j)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
i: ↓[ Act ^] (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) ∋ x
H: forall (Δ : C) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (j0 : ctx_dom i ∋ x), a_id (r_cat_r j0) = lookup v i -> forall a : ctx_dom i ⊆ ↓⁻ Φ, a = r_ctx_dom i -> var_height (a x j0) < var_height i
Δ: C
v: ogs_env Δ Act (Φ ▶ₓ Γ)
j0: ctx_dom i ∋ x
Heqv0: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = lookup v i

var_height (r_ctx_dom i x j0) < var_height i
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
i: ↓[ Act ^] (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) ∋ x
H: forall (Δ : C) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (j0 : ctx_dom i ∋ x), a_id (r_cat_r j0) = lookup v i -> forall a : ctx_dom i ⊆ ↓⁻ Φ, a = r_ctx_dom i -> var_height (a x j0) < var_height i
Δ: C
v: ogs_env Δ Act (Φ ▶ₓ Γ)
j0: ctx_dom i ∋ x
Heqv0: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = lookup v i

var_height (r_ctx_dom i x j0) < var_height i
dependent destruction v; now apply (H _ v).
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
j: (fix join_pol (p : polarity) (o : ogs_ctx) {struct o} : C := match p with | Act => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ c0 => join_pol Pas c +▶ c0 end | Pas => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ _ => join_pol Act c end end o) Pas Φ ∋ x
H: forall (Δ : C) (v : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (j0 : ctx_dom j ∋ x), a_id (r_cat_r j0) = lookup v j -> forall a : ctx_dom j ⊆ ↓⁺ Φ, a = r_ctx_dom j -> var_height (a x j0) < var_height j
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_l j) = Vcat_l j
Δ: C
v: ogs_env Δ Pas (Φ ▶ₓ Γ)
j1: ctx_dom (r_cat_l j) ∋ x
Heqv0: a_id (r_cat_r j1) = lookup v (r_cat_l j)

var_height (r_ctx_dom (r_cat_l j) x j1) < var_height (r_cat_l j)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
j: (fix join_pol (p : polarity) (o : ogs_ctx) {struct o} : C := match p with | Act => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ c0 => join_pol Pas c +▶ c0 end | Pas => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ _ => join_pol Act c end end o) Pas Φ ∋ x
H: forall (Δ : C) (v : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (j0 : ctx_dom j ∋ x), a_id (r_cat_r j0) = lookup v j -> forall a : ctx_dom j ⊆ ↓⁺ Φ, a = r_ctx_dom j -> var_height (a x j0) < var_height j
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_l j) = Vcat_l j
Δ: C
v: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
a: Γ =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j1: ctx_dom (r_cat_l j) ∋ x
Heqv0: a_id (r_cat_r j1) = lookup (v;⁻ a) (r_cat_l j)

var_height (r_ctx_dom (r_cat_l j) x j1) < var_height (r_cat_l j)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
j: (fix join_pol (p : polarity) (o : ogs_ctx) {struct o} : C := match p with | Act => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ c0 => join_pol Pas c +▶ c0 end | Pas => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ _ => join_pol Act c end end o) Pas Φ ∋ x
H: forall (Δ : C) (v : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (j0 : ctx_dom j ∋ x), a_id (r_cat_r j0) = lookup v j -> forall a : ctx_dom j ⊆ ↓⁺ Φ, a = r_ctx_dom j -> var_height (a x j0) < var_height j
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_l j) = Vcat_l j
Δ: C
v: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
a: Γ =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j1: ctx_dom j ∋ x
Heqv: a_id (r_cat_r j1) = lookup v j

var_height (r_ctx_dom j x j1) < var_height j
now apply (H _ v).
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
j: Γ ∋ x
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_r j) = Vcat_r j
Δ: C
v: ogs_env Δ Pas (Φ ▶ₓ Γ)
j1: ctx_dom (r_cat_r j) ∋ x
Heqv0: a_id (r_cat_r j1) = lookup v (r_cat_r j)

var_height (r_ctx_dom (r_cat_r j) x j1) < var_height (r_cat_r j)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Φ: ctx C
Γ: C
x: T
j: Γ ∋ x
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_r j) = Vcat_r j
Δ: C
v: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
a: Γ =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j1: ctx_dom (r_cat_r j) ∋ x

var_height (r_ctx_dom (r_cat_r j) x j1) < var_height (r_cat_r j)
revert j1; cbn; rewrite Heq; exact var_height_bound. Qed.

We are now ready to prove eventual guardedness. In fact the main lemma will have a slightly different statement, considering a particular kind of pair of OGS states: the ones we obtain when restarting after an interaction. As the statement is quite long we factor it in a definition first.

  Definition compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt {Δ Φ} (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ)
    {x} (o : obs x) (γ : dom o =[val]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x) : Prop
    := ev_guarded
         (fun 'T1_0 => compo_body)
         (compo_body (RedT (MS ((ₐ↓v _ j ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat3_1) ⊙ o⦗r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id⦘)
                               (v ;⁺))
                           (u ;⁻ γ))) .

Now the main proof.

T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
x: T
o: obs x
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x

compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
x: T
o: obs x
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x

compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j

First we setup an induction on the accessibility of the current observation in the relation given by the "no-infinite redex" property.

T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x

forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
o':= x,' o: {x : T & obs x}

forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 o') =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 o'), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 o') γ j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
o: {x : T & obs x}

forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 o) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 o), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 o) γ j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: {x : T & obs x}
H: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y x -> Acc head_inst_nostep y
H0: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y x -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j

forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 x) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 x), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 x) γ j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
H: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> Acc head_inst_nostep y
H0: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j

forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x

compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j

Next we setup an induction on the height of the current variable we have restarted on.

T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
n: nat
Heqn: n = var_height j
h:= lt_wf n: Acc lt n

compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
x0: nat
H: forall y : nat, y < x0 -> Acc lt y
H0: forall y : nat, y < x0 -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j

forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), x0 = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j

compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j

Then we case split on whether ₐ↓ v x j is a variable or not.

T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j

ev_guarded (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (compo_body {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o; red_act := {| ms_conf := ₐ↓ v x j ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat3_1 ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘; ms_env := v;⁺ |}; red_pas := u;⁻ γ |})
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
vv:= ₐ↓ v x j: val (Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ) x

ev_guarded (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (compo_body {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o; red_act := {| ms_conf := vv ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat3_1 ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘; ms_env := v;⁺ |}; red_pas := u;⁻ γ |})
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
vv:= ₐ↓ v x j: val (Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ) x
i: is_var vv

ev_guarded (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (compo_body {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o; red_act := {| ms_conf := vv ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat3_1 ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘; ms_env := v;⁺ |}; red_pas := u;⁻ γ |})
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
vv:= ₐ↓ v x j: val (Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ) x
t: ¬ (is_var vv)
ev_guarded (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (compo_body {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o; red_act := {| ms_conf := vv ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat3_1 ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘; ms_env := v;⁺ |}; red_pas := u;⁻ γ |})

Case 1: it is a variable.

First, some shenenigans to extract the variable.

T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
vv:= ₐ↓ v x j: val (Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ) x
i: is_var vv

ev_guarded (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (compo_body {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o; red_act := {| ms_conf := vv ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat3_1 ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘; ms_env := v;⁺ |}; red_pas := u;⁻ γ |})
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
i: is_var (ₐ↓ v x j)

ev_guarded (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (compo_body {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o; red_act := {| ms_conf := a_id (is_var_get i) ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat3_1 ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘; ms_env := v;⁺ |}; red_pas := u;⁻ γ |})
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
i: is_var (ₐ↓ v x j)

ev_guarded (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (compo_body {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o; red_act := {| ms_conf := a_id (r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i)) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘; ms_env := v;⁺ |}; red_pas := u;⁻ γ |})
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
i: is_var (ₐ↓ v x j)

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) match match _observe (eval (a_id (r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i)) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘)) with | RetF r => RetF (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺) r) | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun _ : T1 => m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) <$> k r) end with | RetF r => RetF match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)} => match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun (_ : T1) (r0 : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)}) => match r0 with | inl r1 => inr r1 | inr e0 => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e0); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e0); red_pas := projT2 e0 |} end) <$> k r) end

Next, we are evaluating a normal form, so we know by hypothesis eval_nf_ret that it will reduce to the same normal form. We need some trickery to rewrite by this bisimilarity.

T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
i: is_var (ₐ↓ v x j)
Heval: eval (emb (r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i) ⋅ o ⦇ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦈)) ≋ ret_delay (r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i) ⋅ o ⦇ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦈)

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) match match _observe (eval (a_id (r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i)) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘)) with | RetF r => RetF (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺) r) | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun _ : T1 => m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) <$> k r) end with | RetF r => RetF match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)} => match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun (_ : T1) (r0 : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)}) => match r0 with | inl r1 => inr r1 | inr e0 => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e0); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e0); red_pas := projT2 e0 |} end) <$> k r) end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
i: is_var (ₐ↓ v x j)
Heval: it_eq_map ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf_eq) (it_eq (fun _ : T1 => nf_eq)) T1_0 (eval (emb (r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i) ⋅ o ⦇ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦈))) (ret_delay (r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i) ⋅ o ⦇ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦈))

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) match match _observe (eval (a_id (r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i)) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘)) with | RetF r => RetF (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺) r) | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun _ : T1 => m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) <$> k r) end with | RetF r => RetF match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)} => match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun (_ : T1) (r0 : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)}) => match r0 with | inl r1 => inr r1 | inr e0 => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e0); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e0); red_pas := projT2 e0 |} end) <$> k r) end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
i: is_var (ₐ↓ v x j)
Heval: it_eq_map ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf_eq) (it_eq (fun _ : T1 => nf_eq)) T1_0 (eval (a_id (r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i)) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘)) (ret_delay (r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i) ⋅ o ⦇ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦈))

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) match match _observe (eval (a_id (r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i)) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘)) with | RetF r => RetF (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺) r) | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun _ : T1 => m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) <$> k r) end with | RetF r => RetF match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)} => match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun (_ : T1) (r0 : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)}) => match r0 with | inl r1 => inr r1 | inr e0 => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e0); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e0); red_pas := projT2 e0 |} end) <$> k r) end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
i: is_var (ₐ↓ v x j)
tt: (delay ∘ nf obs val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
Heval: it_eq_map ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf_eq) (it_eq (fun _ : T1 => nf_eq)) T1_0 tt (ret_delay (r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i) ⋅ o ⦇ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦈))

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) match match _observe tt with | RetF r => RetF (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺) r) | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun _ : T1 => m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) <$> k r) end with | RetF r => RetF match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)} => match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun (_ : T1) (r0 : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)}) => match r0 with | inl r1 => inr r1 | inr e0 => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e0); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e0); red_pas := projT2 e0 |} end) <$> k r) end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
i: is_var (ₐ↓ v x j)
tt: (delay ∘ nf obs val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
ttn: (c_var ∥ₛ obs # val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
Heqttn: ttn = r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i) ⋅ o ⦇ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦈
Heval: it_eq_map ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf_eq) (it_eq (fun _ : T1 => nf_eq)) T1_0 tt (ret_delay ttn)

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) match match _observe tt with | RetF r => RetF (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺) r) | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun _ : T1 => m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) <$> k r) end with | RetF r => RetF match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)} => match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun (_ : T1) (r0 : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)}) => match r0 with | inl r1 => inr r1 | inr e0 => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e0); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e0); red_pas := projT2 e0 |} end) <$> k r) end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x0: T
o: obs x0
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x0,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x0), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x0
Heqn: n = var_height j
i: is_var (ₐ↓ v x0 j)
tt: delay (nf obs val (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o)))
ttn: (c_var ∥ₛ obs # val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
Heqttn: ttn = r_cat3_1 x0 (is_var_get i) ⋅ o ⦇ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦈
r1: nf obs val (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
r_rel: nf_eq r1 ttn
x: RetF r1 = observe tt

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) match match _observe tt with | RetF r => RetF (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺) r) | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun _ : T1 => m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) <$> k r) end with | RetF r => RetF match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)} => match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun (_ : T1) (r0 : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)}) => match r0 with | inl r1 => inr r1 | inr e0 => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e0); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e0); red_pas := projT2 e0 |} end) <$> k r) end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x0: T
o: obs x0
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x0,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x0), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x0
Heqn: n = var_height j
i: is_var (ₐ↓ v x0 j)
tt: delay (nf obs val (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o)))
ttn: (c_var ∥ₛ obs # val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
r1: nf obs val (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
r_rel: nf_eq r1 (r_cat3_1 x0 (is_var_get i) ⋅ o ⦇ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦈)
x: RetF r1 = observe tt

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) match match _observe tt with | RetF r => RetF (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺) r) | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun _ : T1 => m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) <$> k r) end with | RetF r => RetF match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)} => match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun (_ : T1) (r0 : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)}) => match r0 with | inl r1 => inr r1 | inr e0 => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e0); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e0); red_pas := projT2 e0 |} end) <$> k r) end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
Heqn: n = var_height j
i: is_var (ₐ↓ v t j)
tt: delay (nf obs val (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0)))
ttn: (c_var ∥ₛ obs # val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a1: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a: a1 ≡ₐ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id
x: RetF (r_cat3_1 t (is_var_get i) ⋅ o0 ⦇ a1 ⦈) = observe tt

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) match match _observe tt with | RetF r => RetF (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺) r) | TauF t0 => TauF (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) t0) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun _ : T1 => m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) <$> k r) end with | RetF r => RetF match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o0 ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end | TauF t0 => TauF (fmap_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o0 ▶ₓ m_dom m)} => match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o0 ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end) t0) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun (_ : T1) (r0 : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o0 ▶ₓ m_dom m)}) => match r0 with | inl r1 => inr r1 | inr e0 => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o0 ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e0); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e0); red_pas := projT2 e0 |} end) <$> k r) end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
Heqn: n = var_height j
i: is_var (ₐ↓ v t j)
tt: delay (nf obs val (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0)))
ttn: (c_var ∥ₛ obs # val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a1: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a: a1 ≡ₐ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (RetF match m_strat_wrap (v;⁺) (r_cat3_1 t (is_var_get i) ⋅ o0 ⦇ a1 ⦈) with | inl r => inr r | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o0 ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
Heqn: n = var_height j
i: is_var (ₐ↓ v t j)
tt: delay (nf obs val (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0)))
ttn: (c_var ∥ₛ obs # val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a1: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a: a1 ≡ₐ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (RetF match match c_view_cat match c_view_cat (is_var_get i) with | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l i | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_l j) end with | Vcat_l i => inl (i ⋅ o0) | Vcat_r j0 => inr ((j0 ⋅ o0),' ((v;⁺);⁻ nf_args (match c_view_cat (is_var_get i) with | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l i | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_l j) end ⋅ o0 ⦇ a1 ⦈))) end with | inl r => inr r | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o0 ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
Heqn: n = var_height j
vv: val (Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ) t
Heqvv: vv = ₐ↓ v t j
i: is_var vv
tt: delay (nf obs val (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0)))
ttn: (c_var ∥ₛ obs # val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a1: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a: a1 ≡ₐ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (RetF match match c_view_cat match c_view_cat (is_var_get i) with | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l i | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_l j) end with | Vcat_l i => inl (i ⋅ o0) | Vcat_r j => inr ((j ⋅ o0),' ((v;⁺);⁻ nf_args (match c_view_cat (is_var_get i) with | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l i | Vcat_r j0 => r_cat_r (r_cat_l j0) end ⋅ o0 ⦇ a1 ⦈))) end with | inl r => inr r | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o0 ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end)

Now, we case split to see whether this variable was a final variable or one given by the opponent.

T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
Heqn: n = var_height j
i: Δ ∋ t
Heqvv: a_id (r_cat_l i) = ₐ↓ v t j
tt: delay (nf obs val (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0)))
ttn: (c_var ∥ₛ obs # val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a1: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a: a1 ≡ₐ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (RetF match match c_view_cat (r_cat_l i) with | Vcat_l i => inl (i ⋅ o0) | Vcat_r j => inr ((j ⋅ o0),' ((v;⁺);⁻ nf_args (r_cat_l i ⋅ o0 ⦇ a1 ⦈))) end with | inl r => inr r | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o0 ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
Heqn: n = var_height j
j0: ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
Heqvv: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = ₐ↓ v t j
tt: delay (nf obs val (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0)))
ttn: (c_var ∥ₛ obs # val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a1: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a: a1 ≡ₐ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id
ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (RetF match match c_view_cat (r_cat_r (r_cat_l j0)) with | Vcat_l i => inl (i ⋅ o0) | Vcat_r j => inr ((j ⋅ o0),' ((v;⁺);⁻ nf_args (r_cat_r (r_cat_l j0) ⋅ o0 ⦇ a1 ⦈))) end with | inl r => inr r | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o0 ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end)

In case of a final variable the composition is ended, hence guarded, hence eventually guarded.

T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
Heqn: n = var_height j
i: Δ ∋ t
Heqvv: a_id (r_cat_l i) = ₐ↓ v t j
tt: delay (nf obs val (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0)))
ttn: (c_var ∥ₛ obs # val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a1: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a: a1 ≡ₐ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (RetF match match c_view_cat (r_cat_l i) with | Vcat_l i => inl (i ⋅ o0) | Vcat_r j => inr ((j ⋅ o0),' ((v;⁺);⁻ nf_args (r_cat_l i ⋅ o0 ⦇ a1 ⦈))) end with | inl r => inr r | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o0 ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end)
rewrite c_view_cat_simpl_l; now do 2 econstructor.

In the other case, there is an interaction. Since we have looked-up a variable and obtained another variable, we know it is strictly older and use our induction hypothesis on the height of the current variable.

T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
Heqn: n = var_height j
j0: ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
Heqvv: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = ₐ↓ v t j
tt: delay (nf obs val (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0)))
ttn: (c_var ∥ₛ obs # val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a1: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a: a1 ≡ₐ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (RetF match match c_view_cat (r_cat_r (r_cat_l j0)) with | Vcat_l i => inl (i ⋅ o0) | Vcat_r j => inr ((j ⋅ o0),' ((v;⁺);⁻ nf_args (r_cat_r (r_cat_l j0) ⋅ o0 ⦇ a1 ⦈))) end with | inl r => inr r | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o0 ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
Heqn: n = var_height j
j0: ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
Heqvv: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = ₐ↓ v t j
tt: delay (nf obs val (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0)))
ttn: (c_var ∥ₛ obs # val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a1: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a: a1 ≡ₐ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (RetF (inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o0 ▶ₓ dom o0; red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (r_cat_l j0 ⋅ o0); red_pas := (v;⁺);⁻ nf_args (r_cat_r (r_cat_l j0) ⋅ o0 ⦇ a1 ⦈) |}))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
Heqn: n = var_height j
j0: ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
Heqvv: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = ₐ↓ v t j
tt: delay (nf obs val (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0)))
ttn: (c_var ∥ₛ obs # val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a1: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a: a1 ≡ₐ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (_observe (compo_body {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o0 ▶ₓ dom o0; red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (r_cat_l j0 ⋅ o0); red_pas := (v;⁺);⁻ nf_args (r_cat_r (r_cat_l j0) ⋅ o0 ⦇ a1 ⦈) |}))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
Heqn: n = var_height j
j0: ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
Heqvv: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = ₐ↓ v t j
tt: delay (nf obs val (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0)))
ttn: (c_var ∥ₛ obs # val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a1: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a: a1 ≡ₐ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id

var_height (m_var (r_cat_l j0 ⋅ o0)) < n
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
j0: ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
Heqvv: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = ₐ↓ v t j
tt: delay (nf obs val (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0)))
ttn: (c_var ∥ₛ obs # val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a1: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o0))
a: a1 ≡ₐ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id

var_height (r_cat_l j0) < var_height j

There is some trickery to apply height_decrease.

T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
j0: ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
Heqvv: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = ₐ↓ v t j

var_height (r_cat_l j0) < var_height j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
j0: ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
Heqvv: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = ₐ↓ v t j

is_var (ₐ↓ v t j)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
j0: ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
Heqvv: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = ₐ↓ v t j
i: is_var (ₐ↓ v t j)
var_height (r_cat_l j0) < var_height j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
j0: ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
Heqvv: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = ₐ↓ v t j

is_var (a_id (r_cat_r j0))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
j0: ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
Heqvv: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = ₐ↓ v t j
i: is_var (ₐ↓ v t j)
var_height (r_cat_l j0) < var_height j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
j0: ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
Heqvv: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = ₐ↓ v t j
i: is_var (ₐ↓ v t j)

var_height (r_cat_l j0) < var_height j
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
j0: ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
Heqvv: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = ₐ↓ v t j
i: is_var (ₐ↓ v t j)

var_height (r_cat_l j0) < S (var_height' (is_var_get i))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
j0: ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
i: Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
Heqvv: a_id (r_cat_r j0) = a_id i

var_height_clause_4 (@var_height) Φ (dom o0) t (r_cat_l j0) (c_view_cat (r_cat_l j0)) < S (var_height' i)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
j0: ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
i: Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
Heqvv: r_cat_r j0 = i

var_height_clause_4 (@var_height) Φ (dom o0) t (r_cat_l j0) (c_view_cat (r_cat_l j0)) < S (var_height' i)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
j0: ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
i: Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
Heqvv: r_cat_r j0 = i

var_height_clause_4 (@var_height) Φ (dom o0) t (r_cat_l j0) (c_view_cat (r_cat_l j0)) < S (var_height'_clause_1 Δ Φ Pas t (r_cat_r j0) (c_view_cat (r_cat_r j0)))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
t: T
o0: obs t
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (t,' o0) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o0 γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ t
j0: ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
i: Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ ∋ t
Heqvv: r_cat_r j0 = i

var_height j0 < S (var_height j0)
now apply Nat.lt_succ_diag_r.

Case 2: the looked-up value is not a variable. In this case we look at one step of the evaluation. If there is a redex we are happy. Else, our resumed configuration was still a normal form and we can exhibit a proof of the bad instanciation relation, which enables us to call our other induction hypothesis.

T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
vv:= ₐ↓ v x j: val (Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ) x
t: ¬ (is_var vv)

ev_guarded (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (compo_body {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o; red_act := {| ms_conf := vv ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat3_1 ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘; ms_env := v;⁺ |}; red_pas := u;⁻ γ |})
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
vv:= ₐ↓ v x j: val (Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ) x
t: ¬ (is_var vv)

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) match match _observe (eval ((vv ᵥ⊛ r_emb r_cat3_1) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘)) with | RetF r => RetF (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺) r) | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun _ : T1 => m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) <$> k r) end with | RetF r => RetF match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)} => match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun (_ : T1) (r0 : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)}) => match r0 with | inl r1 => inr r1 | inr e0 => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e0); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e0); red_pas := projT2 e0 |} end) <$> k r) end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
vv:= ₐ↓ v x j: val (Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ) x
t: ¬ (is_var vv)
tt: (delay ∘ nf obs val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
Heqtt: tt = eval ((vv ᵥ⊛ r_emb r_cat3_1) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘)

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) match match _observe tt with | RetF r => RetF (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺) r) | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun _ : T1 => m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) <$> k r) end with | RetF r => RetF match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)} => match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun (_ : T1) (r0 : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)}) => match r0 with | inl r1 => inr r1 | inr e0 => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e0); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e0); red_pas := projT2 e0 |} end) <$> k r) end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
vv:= ₐ↓ v x j: val (Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ) x
t: ¬ (is_var vv)
tt: (delay ∘ nf obs val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
Heqtt: tt = eval ((vv ᵥ⊛ r_emb r_cat3_1) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘)
ot: itree' ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))) T1_0
Heqot: ot = _observe tt

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) match match ot with | RetF r => RetF (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺) r) | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun _ : T1 => m_strat_wrap (v;⁺)) <$> k r) end with | RetF r => RetF match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)} => match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun (_ : T1) (r0 : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) & m_strat_pas Δ (Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom m)}) => match r0 with | inl r1 => inr r1 | inr e0 => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e0); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e0); red_pas := projT2 e0 |} end) <$> k r) end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
vv:= ₐ↓ v x j: val (Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ) x
t: ¬ (is_var vv)
tt: (delay ∘ nf obs val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
Heqtt: tt = eval ((vv ᵥ⊛ r_emb r_cat3_1) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘)
r: nf obs val (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
Heqot: RetF r = _observe tt

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (RetF match m_strat_wrap (v;⁺) r with | inl r => inr r | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
vv:= ₐ↓ v x j: val (Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ) x
t: ¬ (is_var vv)
tt: (delay ∘ nf obs val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
Heqtt: tt = eval ((vv ᵥ⊛ r_emb r_cat3_1) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘)
nx: T
ni: Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o) ∋ nx
no: obs nx
narg: dom no =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
Heqot: RetF (ni ⋅ no ⦇ narg ⦈) = _observe tt

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (RetF match match c_view_cat ni with | Vcat_l i => inl (i ⋅ no) | Vcat_r j => inr ((j ⋅ no),' ((v;⁺);⁻ nf_args (ni ⋅ no ⦇ narg ⦈))) end with | inl r => inr r | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
vv:= ₐ↓ v x j: val (Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ) x
t: ¬ (is_var vv)
tt: (delay ∘ nf obs val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
Heqtt: tt = eval ((vv ᵥ⊛ r_emb r_cat3_1) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘)
nx: T
no: obs nx
narg: dom no =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
j0: ↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o ∋ nx
Heqot: RetF (r_cat_r j0 ⋅ no ⦇ narg ⦈) = _observe tt

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (RetF (inl {| red_ctx := Φ ▶ₓ dom o ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 ((j0 ⋅ no),' ((v;⁺);⁻ nf_args (r_cat_r j0 ⋅ no ⦇ narg ⦈)))); red_act := m_strat_resp (u;⁻ γ) (projT1 ((j0 ⋅ no),' ((v;⁺);⁻ nf_args (r_cat_r j0 ⋅ no ⦇ narg ⦈)))); red_pas := projT2 ((j0 ⋅ no),' ((v;⁺);⁻ nf_args (r_cat_r j0 ⋅ no ⦇ narg ⦈))) |}))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
vv:= ₐ↓ v x j: val (Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ) x
t: ¬ (is_var vv)
tt: (delay ∘ nf obs val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
Heqtt: tt = eval ((vv ᵥ⊛ r_emb r_cat3_1) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘)
nx: T
no: obs nx
narg: dom no =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
j0: ↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o ∋ nx
Heqot: RetF (r_cat_r j0 ⋅ no ⦇ narg ⦈) = _observe tt

head_inst_nostep (nx,' no) (x,' o)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
vv:= ₐ↓ v x j: val (Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ) x
t: ¬ (is_var vv)
tt: (delay ∘ nf obs val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
Heqtt: tt = eval ((vv ᵥ⊛ r_emb r_cat3_1) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘)
nx: T
no: obs nx
narg: dom no =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
j0: ↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o ∋ nx
Heqot: RetF (r_cat_r j0 ⋅ no ⦇ narg ⦈) = _observe tt

evalₒ ((vv ᵥ⊛ r_emb r_cat3_1) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘) ≊ ret_delay (r_cat_r j0 ⋅ projT2 (nx,' no))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
vv:= ₐ↓ v x j: val (Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ) x
t: ¬ (is_var vv)
tt: (delay ∘ nf obs val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
Heqtt: tt = eval ((vv ᵥ⊛ r_emb r_cat3_1) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘)
nx: T
no: obs nx
narg: dom no =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
j0: ↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o ∋ nx
Heqot: RetF (r_cat_r j0 ⋅ no ⦇ narg ⦈) = _observe tt

it_eqF ∅ₑ (eqᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o)))) (it_eq (eqᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))))) T1_0 match _observe (eval ((vv ᵥ⊛ r_emb r_cat3_1) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘)) with | RetF r => RetF r | TauF t => TauF (then_to_obs t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun _ : T1 => nf_to_obs (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))) <$> k r) end (RetF (r_cat_r j0 ⋅ no))
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
x: T
o: obs x
IHred: forall y : {x : T & obs x}, head_inst_nostep y (x,' o) -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom (projT2 y) =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ projT1 y), compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v (projT2 y) γ j
n: nat
IHvar: forall y : nat, y < n -> forall (Φ : ogs_ctx) (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ) (γ : dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x), y = var_height j -> compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt u v o γ j
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
γ: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
j: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x
Heqn: n = var_height j
vv:= ₐ↓ v x j: val (Δ +▶ ↓⁻ Φ) x
t: ¬ (is_var vv)
tt: (delay ∘ nf obs val) (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
Heqtt: tt = eval ((vv ᵥ⊛ r_emb r_cat3_1) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘)
nx: T
no: obs nx
narg: dom no =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))
j0: ↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o ∋ nx
Heqot: RetF (r_cat_r j0 ⋅ no ⦇ narg ⦈) = _observe (eval ((vv ᵥ⊛ r_emb r_cat3_1) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘))

it_eqF ∅ₑ (eqᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o)))) (it_eq (eqᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ (Δ +▶ (↓⁻ Φ +▶ dom o))))) T1_0 (RetF (r_cat_r j0 ⋅ no ⦇ narg ⦈)) (RetF (r_cat_r j0 ⋅ no))
now econstructor. Qed.

Now the actual proof of eventual guardedness is just about unfolding a bit of the beginning of the interactions until we attain a resume and can apply our main lemma.

T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C

eqn_ev_guarded (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C

eqn_ev_guarded (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Γ: ogs_ctx
c: conf (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Γ)
u: ogs_env Δ Act Γ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Γ

ev_guarded (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (compo_body {| red_ctx := Γ; red_act := {| ms_conf := c; ms_env := u |}; red_pas := v |})
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Γ: ogs_ctx
c: conf (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Γ)
u: ogs_env Δ Act Γ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Γ

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) match match _observe (eval c) with | RetF r => RetF (m_strat_wrap u r) | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap u) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun _ : T1 => m_strat_wrap u) <$> k r) end with | RetF r => RetF match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Γ ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp v (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ ↓⁺ Γ & m_strat_pas Δ (Γ ▶ₓ m_dom m)} => match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Γ ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp v (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun (_ : T1) (r0 : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ ↓⁺ Γ & m_strat_pas Δ (Γ ▶ₓ m_dom m)}) => match r0 with | inl r1 => inr r1 | inr e0 => inl {| red_ctx := Γ ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e0); red_act := m_strat_resp v (projT1 e0); red_pas := projT2 e0 |} end) <$> k r) end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Γ: ogs_ctx
c: conf (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Γ)
u: ogs_env Δ Act Γ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Γ
ot:= _observe (eval c): itree' ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Γ)) T1_0

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) match match ot with | RetF r => RetF (m_strat_wrap u r) | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap u) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun _ : T1 => m_strat_wrap u) <$> k r) end with | RetF r => RetF match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Γ ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp v (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ ↓⁺ Γ & m_strat_pas Δ (Γ ▶ₓ m_dom m)} => match r with | inl r0 => inr r0 | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Γ ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp v (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun (_ : T1) (r0 : obs ∙ Δ + {m : obs ∙ ↓⁺ Γ & m_strat_pas Δ (Γ ▶ₓ m_dom m)}) => match r0 with | inl r1 => inr r1 | inr e0 => inl {| red_ctx := Γ ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e0); red_act := m_strat_resp v (projT1 e0); red_pas := projT2 e0 |} end) <$> k r) end
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Γ: ogs_ctx
c: conf (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Γ)
u: ogs_env Δ Act Γ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Γ
r: nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Γ)

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (RetF match m_strat_wrap u r with | inl r => inr r | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Γ ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp v (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Γ: ogs_ctx
c: conf (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Γ)
u: ogs_env Δ Act Γ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Γ
x: T
i: Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Γ ∋ x
o: obs x
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Γ)

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (RetF match match c_view_cat i with | Vcat_l i => inl (i ⋅ o) | Vcat_r j => inr ((j ⋅ o),' (u;⁻ nf_args (i ⋅ o ⦇ a ⦈))) end with | inl r => inr r | inr e => inl {| red_ctx := Γ ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 e); red_act := m_strat_resp v (projT1 e); red_pas := projT2 e |} end)
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
ML: machine_laws val conf obs
VV: var_assumptions val
Δ: C
Γ: ogs_ctx
c: conf (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Γ)
u: ogs_env Δ Act Γ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Γ
x: T
o: obs x
a: dom o =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Γ)
j: ↓⁺ Γ ∋ x

ev_guarded' (fun pat : T1 => let 'T1_0 as x := pat return (reduce_t Δ -> itree ∅ₑ ((fun _ : T1 => reduce_t Δ) +ᵢ (fun _ : T1 => obs ∙ Δ)) x) in compo_body) (RetF (inl {| red_ctx := Γ ▶ₓ m_dom (projT1 ((j ⋅ o),' (u;⁻ nf_args (r_cat_r j ⋅ o ⦇ a ⦈)))); red_act := m_strat_resp v (projT1 ((j ⋅ o),' (u;⁻ nf_args (r_cat_r j ⋅ o ⦇ a ⦈)))); red_pas := projT2 ((j ⋅ o),' (u;⁻ nf_args (r_cat_r j ⋅ o ⦇ a ⦈))) |}))
refine (GNext _); apply compo_body_guarded_aux. Qed.

From the previous proof we can directly apply the strong fixed point construction on eventually guarded equations and obtain a composition operator without any Tau node at interaction points.

  Definition compo_ev_guarded {Δ a} (u : m_strat_act Δ a) (v : m_strat_pas Δ a)
    : delay (obs∙ Δ)
    := iter_ev_guarded _ compo_body_guarded T1_0 (RedT u v).

End with_param.
#[global] Notation "u ∥g v" := (compo_ev_guarded u v) (at level 40).