We want to prove adequacy by unicity of solutions to the set of equations defining the composition. To do so, we rely on the notion of guarded iteration introduced in ITree/Guarded.v. Through this file, we prove that the composition is indeed eventually guarded. The proof relies crucially on the "focused redex" assumption (Def. 28, here denoted by the law eval_app_not_var).
We consider a language abstractly captured as a machine satisfying an appropriate axiomatization.
Context `{CC : context T C} {CL : context_laws T C}.
Context {val} {VM : subst_monoid val} {VML : subst_monoid_laws val}.
Context {conf} {CM : subst_module val conf} {CML : subst_module_laws val conf}.
Context {obs : obs_struct T C} {M : machine val conf obs}.
Context {ML : machine_laws val conf obs} {VV : var_assumptions val}.
Notation ogs_ctx := (ogs_ctx (C:=C)).
A central elements in the proof lies in ensuring that there exists a unique solution to compo_body. Since the composition of strategies is defined as such a solution, adequacy can be established by proving that evaluating and observing the substituted term is also a solution of compo_body.
By iter_evg_uniq, we know that eventually guarded equations admit a unique fixed point: we hence start by proving this eventual guardedness, captured in lemma compo_body_guarded.
This proof will among other be using an induction on the age of a variable, ie it's height in the OGS position Φ. We provide this definition and utilities.
Equations var_height Φ p {x} : ↓[p]Φ ∋ x -> nat :=
var_height ∅ₓ Pas i with c_view_emp i := { | ! } ;
var_height ∅ₓ Act i with c_view_emp i := { | ! } ;
var_height (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) Pas i := var_height Φ Act i ;
var_height (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) Act i with c_view_cat i := {
| Vcat_l j := var_height Φ Pas j ;
| Vcat_r j := 1 + c_length Φ } .
#[global] Arguments var_height {Φ p x} i.
Lemma var_height_pos {Φ p x} (i : ↓[p]Φ ∋ x) : 0 < var_height i .
funelim (var_height i).
- apply H.
- rewrite <- Heqcall; apply H.
- rewrite <- Heqcall; apply Nat.lt_0_succ.
Equations lt_bound : polarity -> relation nat :=
lt_bound Act := lt ;
lt_bound Pas := le .
Lemma var_height_bound {Φ p x} (i : ↓[p]Φ ∋ x)
: lt_bound p (var_height i) (1 + c_length Φ).
funelim (var_height i); cbn.
- now apply Nat.lt_succ_r, Nat.le_le_succ_r, Nat.le_le_succ_r.
- rewrite Heq; now apply Nat.lt_succ_r.
- rewrite Heq; apply Nat.lt_succ_diag_r.
Equations var_height' {Δ Φ p x} : Δ +▶ ↓[p]Φ ∋ x -> nat :=
var_height' i with c_view_cat i := {
| Vcat_l j := O ;
| Vcat_r j := var_height j } .
This is the main theorem about height: if we lookup a variable in an OGS environment and obtain another variable, then this new variable is strictly lower than the first one.
Lemma height_decrease {Δ Φ p} (v : ogs_env Δ p Φ) {x}
(j : ↓[p^] Φ ∋ x)
(H : is_var (ₐ↓v _ j))
: var_height' (is_var_get H) < var_height j.
revert H; rewrite lookup_collapse; intro H.
destruct (view_is_var_ren _ _ H).
rewrite ren_is_var_get; cbn.
remember (lookup v j).
destruct H; cbn; destruct (c_view_cat i).
- unfold var_height'; rewrite c_view_cat_simpl_l; apply var_height_pos.
- unfold var_height'; rewrite c_view_cat_simpl_r; cbn.
remember (r_ctx_dom j).
funelim (r_ctx_dom j); try clear Heqcall.
+ cbn; rewrite c_view_cat_simpl_l; cbn.
dependent destruction v; now apply (H _ v).
+ dependent destruction v.
revert j1 Heqv0; cbn; rewrite Heq; cbn; intros j1 Heqv.
now apply (H _ v).
+ dependent destruction v; clear Heqv0.
revert j1; cbn; rewrite Heq; exact var_height_bound.
We are now ready to prove eventual guardedness. In fact the main lemma will have a slightly different statement, considering a particular kind of pair of OGS states: the ones we obtain when restarting after an interaction. As the statement is quite long we factor it in a definition first.
Definition compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt {Δ Φ} (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ)
{x} (o : obs x) (γ : dom o =[val]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)) (j : ↓⁺ Φ ∋ x) : Prop
:= ev_guarded
(fun 'T1_0 => compo_body)
(compo_body (RedT (MS ((ₐ↓v _ j ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat3_1) ⊙ o⦗r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id⦘)
(v ;⁺))
(u ;⁻ γ))) .
Now the main proof.
First we setup an induction on the accessibility of the current observation in the relation given by the "no-infinite redex" property.
revert Φ u v γ j. pose (o' := (x ,' o)); change x with (projT1 o'); change o with (projT2 o'). generalize o'; clear x o o'; intro o. pose (wf := eval_app_not_var o); induction wf. destruct x as [ x o ]; cbn [ projT1 projT2 ] in *. clear H; rename H0 into IHred; intros Φ u v γ j.
Next we setup an induction on the height of the current variable we have restarted on.
pose (h := lt_wf (var_height j)); remember (var_height j) as n. revert Φ u v γ j Heqn; induction h. clear H; rename x0 into n, H0 into IHvar; intros Φ u v γ j Heqn.
Then we case split on whether ₐ↓ v x j is a variable or not.
unfold compo_body_guarded_aux_stmt. pose (vv := ₐ↓ v x j); fold vv. destruct (is_var_dec vv).
Case 1: it is a variable.
First, some shenenigans to extract the variable.
- rewrite (is_var_get_eq i); unfold vv in *; clear vv. unfold v_ren; rewrite v_sub_var; unfold r_emb. unfold ev_guarded; cbn.
Next, we are evaluating a normal form, so we know by hypothesis eval_nf_ret that it will reduce to the same normal form. We need some trickery to rewrite by this bisimilarity.
pose proof (Heval :=
eval_nf_ret ((r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i)) ⋅ o ⦇ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦈)).
unfold comp_eq in Heval; apply it_eq_step in Heval.
change (eval _) with
(eval (a_id (r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i)) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘))
in Heval.
remember (eval (a_id (r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i)) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘))
as tt; clear Heqtt.
remember (r_cat3_1 x (is_var_get i) ⋅ o ⦇ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦈) as ttn.
cbn in Heval; dependent destruction Heval.
rewrite Heqttn in r_rel; clear Heqttn.
dependent elimination r_rel.
unfold observe in x; rewrite <- x; clear x; cbn.
unfold m_strat_wrap, r_cat3_1; cbn.
remember (ₐ↓v _ j) as vv.
Now, we case split to see whether this variable was a final variable or one given by the opponent.
destruct i; cbn; destruct (c_view_cat i).
In case of a final variable the composition is ended, hence guarded, hence eventually guarded.
+ rewrite c_view_cat_simpl_l; now do 2 econstructor.
In the other case, there is an interaction. Since we have looked-up a variable and obtained another variable, we know it is strictly older and use our induction hypothesis on the height of the current variable.
+ rewrite c_view_cat_simpl_r; cbn. refine (GNext _). unshelve refine (IHvar _ _ _ _ _ _ _ eq_refl). rewrite Heqn; clear Heqn; unfold cut_l.
There is some trickery to apply height_decrease.
clear tt ttn a1 a. assert (i : is_var (ₐ↓v _ j)). rewrite <- Heqvv. now econstructor. eapply Nat.lt_le_trans; [ | exact (height_decrease (p:=Pas) _ j i) ]. destruct i; cbn. apply v_var_inj in Heqvv. rewrite <- Heqvv; unfold var_height'. rewrite c_view_cat_simpl_l, c_view_cat_simpl_r; cbn. now apply Nat.lt_succ_diag_r.
Case 2: the looked-up value is not a variable. In this case we look at one step of the evaluation. If there is a redex we are happy. Else, our resumed configuration was still a normal form and we can exhibit a proof of the bad instanciation relation, which enables us to call our other induction hypothesis.
- unfold ev_guarded; cbn. remember (eval ((vv ᵥ⊛ r_emb r_cat3_1) ⊙ o ⦗ r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id ⦘)) as tt. remember (_observe tt) as ot. destruct ot; try now do 2 econstructor. destruct r as [ nx ni [ no narg ] ]; unfold m_strat_wrap; cbn. destruct (c_view_cat ni); try now do 2 econstructor. refine (GNext (IHred (_ ,' _) _ _ _ _ _ _)). refine (HeadInst (_ ,' _) (vv ᵥ⊛ r_emb r_cat3_1) o (r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id) (r_cat_r j0) (t ∘ (is_var_ren _ _)) _). apply it_eq_unstep; cbn. rewrite Heqtt in Heqot; rewrite <- Heqot. now econstructor. Qed.
Now the actual proof of eventual guardedness is just about unfolding a bit of the beginning of the interactions until we attain a resume and can apply our main lemma.
Lemma compo_body_guarded {Δ} : eqn_ev_guarded (fun 'T1_0 => compo_body (Δ := Δ)).
intros [] [ Γ [ c u ] v ]; unfold m_strat_pas in v.
unfold ev_guarded; cbn.
pose (ot := _observe (eval c)); change (_observe (eval c)) with ot.
destruct ot; try now do 2 econstructor.
destruct r as [ x i [ o a ] ]; unfold m_strat_wrap; cbn.
destruct (c_view_cat i); try now do 2 econstructor.
refine (GNext _); apply compo_body_guarded_aux.
From the previous proof we can directly apply the strong fixed point construction on eventually guarded equations and obtain a composition operator without any Tau node at interaction points (Prop. 6).
Definition compo_ev_guarded {Δ a} (u : m_strat_act Δ a) (v : m_strat_pas Δ a)
: delay (obs∙ Δ)
:= iter_ev_guarded _ compo_body_guarded T1_0 (RedT u v).
End with_param.
#[global] Notation "u ∥g v" := (compo_ev_guarded u v) (at level 40).