In this file we define assignments for a given abstract context structure. We also define several combinators based on them: the internal substitution hom, filled operations, copairing, etc.
We distinguish assignments, mapping variables in a context to terms, from substitutions, applying an assignment to a term. Assignments are intrinsically typed, mapping variables of a context Γ to open terms with variables in Δ.
Definition assignment (F : Fam₁ T C) (Γ Δ : C) := forall x, Γ ∋ x -> F Δ x. Notation "Γ =[ F ]> Δ" := (assignment F Γ%ctx Δ%ctx).
Pointwise equality of assignments.
Definition asgn_eq {F : Fam₁ T C} Γ Δ : relation (Γ =[F]> Δ) := ∀ₕ _, ∀ₕ _, eq. Notation "u ≡ₐ v" := (asgn_eq _ _ u%asgn v%asgn).T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
F: Fam₁ T C
Γ, Δ: CEquivalence (asgn_eq Γ Δ)T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
F: Fam₁ T C
Γ, Δ: CEquivalence (asgn_eq Γ Δ)T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
F: Fam₁ T C
Γ, Δ: CReflexive (asgn_eq Γ Δ)T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
F: Fam₁ T C
Γ, Δ: CSymmetric (asgn_eq Γ Δ)T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
F: Fam₁ T C
Γ, Δ: CTransitive (asgn_eq Γ Δ)now intros u ? i.T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
F: Fam₁ T C
Γ, Δ: CReflexive (asgn_eq Γ Δ)intros u h ? ? i; symmetry; now apply (H _ i).T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
F: Fam₁ T C
Γ, Δ: CSymmetric (asgn_eq Γ Δ)intros u v w h1 h2 ? i; transitivity (v _ i); [ now apply h1 | now apply h2 ]. Qed.T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
F: Fam₁ T C
Γ, Δ: CTransitive (asgn_eq Γ Δ)
Internal hom functors. The monoidal product for substitution is a bit cumbersome as it is expressed as a coend, that is, a quotient. Following the formalization by Dima Szamozvancev, we instead prefer to express everything in terms of its adjoint, the internal hom.
For example the monoidal multiplication map will not be typed X ⊗ X ⇒ X but X ⇒ ⟦ X , X ⟧.
It is an end, that is, a subset, which are far more easy to work with as they can simply be encoded as a record pairing an element and a proof. The proof part is not written here but encoded later on.
The real one is ⟦-,-⟧₁, but in fact we can define an analogue to this bifunctor for any functor category ctx → C, which we do here for Fam₀ and Fam₂ (unsorted and bisorted, scoped families). This will be helpful to define what it means to substitute other kinds of syntactic objects.
See Ctx/Abstract.v for more details on the theory. This is called the _power object_ (Def. 6) in the paper.
Definition internal_hom₀ : Fam₁ T C -> Fam₀ T C -> Fam₀ T C := fun F G Γ => forall Δ, Γ =[F]> Δ -> G Δ. Definition internal_hom₁ : Fam₁ T C -> Fam₁ T C -> Fam₁ T C := fun F G Γ x => forall Δ, Γ =[F]> Δ -> G Δ x. Definition internal_hom₂ : Fam₁ T C -> Fam₂ T C -> Fam₂ T C := fun F G Γ x y => forall Δ, Γ =[F]> Δ -> G Δ x y. Notation "⟦ F , G ⟧₀" := (internal_hom₀ F G). Notation "⟦ F , G ⟧₁" := (internal_hom₁ F G). Notation "⟦ F , G ⟧₂" := (internal_hom₂ F G).
Constructing a sorted family of operations from O with arguments taken from the family F.
Record filled_op (O : Oper T C) (F : Fam₁ T C) (Γ : C) (t : T) := OFill { fill_op : O t ; fill_args : o_dom fill_op =[F]> Γ }. Notation "S # F" := (filled_op S F).
We can forget the arguments and get back a bare operation.
Definition forget_args {O : Oper T C} {F} : (O # F) ⇒₁ ⦉ O ⦊ := fun _ _ => fill_op.
The empty assignment.
Definition a_empty {F Γ} : ∅ =[F]> Γ := fun _ i => match c_view_emp i with end.
The copairing of assignments.
Definition a_cat {F Γ1 Γ2 Δ} (u : Γ1 =[F]> Δ) (v : Γ2 =[F]> Δ) : (Γ1 +▶ Γ2) =[F]> Δ := fun t i => match c_view_cat i with | Vcat_l i => u _ i | Vcat_r j => v _ j end.
A kind relaxed of pointwise mapping.
Definition a_map {F G : Fam₁ T C} {Γ Δ1 Δ2} (u : Γ =[F]> Δ1) (f : forall x, F Δ1 x -> G Δ2 x) : Γ =[G]> Δ2 := fun _ i => f _ (u _ i) .
Copairing respects pointwise equality.
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
F: Fam₁ T C
Γ1, Γ2, Δ: CProper (asgn_eq Γ1 Δ ==> asgn_eq Γ2 Δ ==> asgn_eq (Γ1 +▶ Γ2)%ctx Δ) a_catT, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
F: Fam₁ T C
Γ1, Γ2, Δ: CProper (asgn_eq Γ1 Δ ==> asgn_eq Γ2 Δ ==> asgn_eq (Γ1 +▶ Γ2)%ctx Δ) a_catdestruct (c_view_cat a0); [ now apply Hu | now apply Hv ]. Qed. End with_param.T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
F: Fam₁ T C
Γ1, Γ2, Δ: C
x, y: Γ1 =[ F ]> Δ
Hu: x ≡ₐ y
x0, y0: Γ2 =[ F ]> Δ
Hv: x0 ≡ₐ y0
a: T
a0: Γ1 +▶ Γ2 ∋ amatch c_view_cat a0 with | Vcat_l i => x a i | Vcat_r j => x0 a j end = match c_view_cat a0 with | Vcat_l i => y a i | Vcat_r j => y0 a j end
Registering all the notations...
#[global] Notation "Γ =[ F ]> Δ" := (assignment F Γ%ctx Δ%ctx). #[global] Bind Scope asgn_scope with assignment. #[global] Notation "u ≡ₐ v" := (asgn_eq _ _ u%asgn v%asgn). #[global] Notation "⟦ F , G ⟧₀" := (internal_hom₀ F G). #[global] Notation "⟦ F , G ⟧₁" := (internal_hom₁ F G). #[global] Notation "⟦ F , G ⟧₂" := (internal_hom₂ F G). #[global] Notation "S # F" := (filled_op S F). #[global] Notation "o ⦇ u ⦈" := (OFill o u%asgn). #[global] Notation "!" := (a_empty) : asgn_scope. #[global] Notation "[ u , v ]" := (a_cat u v) : asgn_scope.