The messages that player and opponent exchange in the OGS arise from splitting normal forms into the head variable on which it is stuck, an observation, and an assignment. An observation structure axiomatizes theses observations of the language. They consist of:
indexed by the types of the language and,In fact as these make sense quite generally, we have already defined them along with generic combinators on sorted families in Ctx/Family.v. Much of the content of this file will be to wrap these generic definitions with more suitable names and provide specific utilities on top.
As explained above, observation structures are just operators. We rename their domain o_dom to just dom.
#[global] Notation obs_struct T C := (Oper T C).
#[global] Notation dom := o_dom.
Pointed observations consist of a pair of a variable and a matching observation. We construct them using the generic formal cut combinator on families defined in Ctx/Family.v.
Definition pointed_obs `{CC : context T C} (O : Oper T C) : Fam₀ T C
:= c_var ∥ₛ ⦉O⦊.
#[global] Notation "O ∙" := (pointed_obs O).
#[global] Notation m_var o := (o.(cut_l)).
#[global] Notation m_obs o := (o.(cut_r)).
#[global] Notation m_dom o := (o_dom o.(cut_r)).
Next we define normal forms, as triplets of a variable, an observation and an assignment filling the domain of the observation. For this we again use the formal cut combinator and the "observation filling" combinator, defined in Ctx/Assignment.v.
Definition nf `{CC : context T C} (O : obs_struct T C) (X : Fam₁ T C) : Fam₀ T C
:= c_var ∥ₛ (O # X).
We now define two utilities for projecting normal forms to pointed observations.
Definition nf_to_obs `{CC : context T C} {O} {X : Fam₁ T C} : forall Γ, nf O X Γ -> O∙ Γ
:= f_cut_map f_id₁ forget_args.
#[global] Coercion nf_to_obs : nf >-> pointed_obs.
Definition then_to_obs `{CC : context T C} {O} {X : Fam₁ T C} {Γ}
: delay (nf O X Γ) -> delay (O∙ Γ)
:= fmap_delay (nf_to_obs Γ).
Next, we define shortcuts for projecting normal forms into their various components.
Section with_param. Context `{CC : context T C} {O : obs_struct T C} {X : Fam₁ T C}. Definition nf_ty {Γ} (n : nf O X Γ) : T := n.(cut_ty). Definition nf_var {Γ} (n : nf O X Γ) : Γ ∋ nf_ty n := n.(cut_l). Definition nf_obs {Γ} (n : nf O X Γ) : O (nf_ty n) := n.(cut_r).(fill_op). Definition nf_dom {Γ} (n : nf O X Γ) : C := dom n.(cut_r).(fill_op). Definition nf_args {Γ} (n : nf O X Γ) : nf_dom n =[X]> Γ := n.(cut_r).(fill_args).
As normal forms contain an assignment, Coq's equality is not the right notion of equivalence: we wish to consider two normal forms as equivalent even if their assignment are merely pointwise equal.
Variant nf_eq {Γ} : nf O X Γ -> nf O X Γ -> Prop :=
| NfEq {t} {i : Γ ∋ t} {o a1 a2} : a1 ≡ₐ a2 -> nf_eq (i⋅o⦇a1⦈) (i⋅o⦇a2⦈).
#[global] Instance nf_eq_Equivalence {Γ} : Equivalence (@nf_eq Γ).
- intros ?; now econstructor.
- intros ?? []; now econstructor.
- intros ??? [] h2; dependent induction h2.
econstructor; now transitivity a2.
We lift this notion of equivalence to computations returning normal forms.
#[global] Instance then_to_obs_proper {Γ} : Proper (@comp_eq Γ ==> it_eq (eqᵢ _) (i:=_)) then_to_obs. Proof. intros a b; unfold comp_eq, then_to_obs, fmap_delay; cbn; intros H. eapply fmap_eq; [ | exact H ]. now intros [] ?? []. Qed. End with_param. #[global] Notation "u ≋ v" := (comp_eq u v).