From OGS Require Import Prelude. From OGS.Utils Require Import Rel. From OGS.Ctx Require Import All Ctx. From OGS.OGS Require Import Obs. From OGS.ITree Require Import Event ITree. Reserved Notation "↓⁺ Ψ" (at level 9). Reserved Notation "↓⁻ Ψ" (at level 9). Reserved Notation "↓[ p ] Ψ" (at level 9).
Levy and Staton's general notion of game.
An half games (Def 5.1) is composed of "moves" as an indexed family of types, and a "next" map computing the next index following a move.
Record half_game (I J : Type) := {
g_move : I -> Type ;
g_next : forall i, g_move i -> J
Action (h_actv) and reaction (h_pasv) functors (Def 5.8)
Definition h_actv {I J} (H : half_game I J) (X : psh J) : psh I := fun i => { m : H.(g_move) i & X (H.(g_next) m) } . Definition h_actvR {I J} (H : half_game I J) {X Y : psh J} (R : relᵢ X Y) : relᵢ (h_actv H X) (h_actv H Y) := fun i u v => exists p : projT1 u = projT1 v , R _ (rew p in projT2 u) (projT2 v) . Definition h_pasv {I J} (H : half_game I J) (X : psh J) : psh I := fun i => forall (m : H.(g_move) i), X (H.(g_next) m) . Definition h_pasvR {I J} (H : half_game I J) {X Y : psh J} (R : relᵢ X Y) : relᵢ (h_pasv H X) (h_pasv H Y) := fun i u v => forall m, R _ (u m) (v m) .
A game (Def 5.4) is composed of two compatible half games.
Record game (I J : Type) : Type := {
g_client : half_game I J ;
g_server : half_game J I
Given a game, we can construct an event. See ITree/Event.v
Definition e_of_g {I J} (G : game I J) : event I I :=
{| e_qry := fun i => G.(g_client).(g_move) i ;
e_rsp := fun i q => G.(g_server).(g_move) (G.(g_client).(g_next) q) ;
e_nxt := fun i q r => G.(g_server).(g_next) r |} .
First let us define a datatype for polarities, active and passive (called "waiting") in the paper.
Variant polarity : Type := Act | Pas . Derive NoConfusion for polarity. Equations p_switch : polarity -> polarity := p_switch Act := Pas ; p_switch Pas := Act . #[global] Notation "p ^" := (p_switch p) (at level 5). Section with_param.
We consider an observation structure, given by a set of types T, a notion of contexts C and a operator giving the observations and their domain. See Ctx/Family.v and OGS/Obs.v.
Context `{CC : context T C} {obs : obs_struct T C}.
Interleaved contexts (Def 5.12) are given by the free context structure over C.
Definition ogs_ctx := ctx C.
We define the collapsing functions (Def 5.13).
Equations join_pol : polarity -> ogs_ctx -> C := join_pol Act ∅ₓ := ∅ ; join_pol Act (Ψ ▶ₓ Γ) := join_pol Pas Ψ +▶ Γ ; join_pol Pas ∅ₓ := ∅ ; join_pol Pas (Ψ ▶ₓ Γ) := join_pol Act Ψ . Notation "↓⁺ Ψ" := (join_pol Act Ψ). Notation "↓⁻ Ψ" := (join_pol Pas Ψ). Notation "↓[ p ] Ψ" := (join_pol p Ψ).
Finally we define the OGS half-game and game (Def 5.15).
Definition ogs_hg : half_game ogs_ctx ogs_ctx := {| g_move Ψ := obs∙ ↓⁺Ψ ; g_next Ψ m := Ψ ▶ₓ m_dom m |} . Definition ogs_g : game ogs_ctx ogs_ctx := {| g_client := ogs_hg ; g_server := ogs_hg |} .
We define the event of OGS moves.
Definition ogs_e : event ogs_ctx ogs_ctx := e_of_g ogs_g.
And finally we define active OGS strategies and passive OGS strategies.
Definition ogs_act (Δ : C) : psh ogs_ctx := itree ogs_e (fun _ => obs∙ Δ). Definition ogs_pas (Δ : C) : psh ogs_ctx := h_pasv ogs_hg (ogs_act Δ). End with_param. #[global] Notation "↓⁺ Ψ" := (join_pol Act Ψ). #[global] Notation "↓⁻ Ψ" := (join_pol Pas Ψ). #[global] Notation "↓[ p ] Ψ" := (join_pol p Ψ).