Finally, all the pieces are in place to prove that bisimilarity of induced LTS is sound w.r.t. substitution equivalence. Having worked hard to establish adequacy and congruence of weak bisimilarity for composition, very little remains to do here.
We consider a language abstractly captured as a machine satisfying an appropriate axiomatization.
Context {T C} {CC : context T C} {CL : context_laws T C}.
Context {val} {VM : subst_monoid val} {VML : subst_monoid_laws val}.
Context {conf} {CM : subst_module val conf} {CML : subst_module_laws val conf}.
Context {obs : obs_struct T C} {M : machine val conf obs} {ML : machine_laws val conf obs}.
Context {VV : var_assumptions val}.
We define substitution equivalence of two language machine configurations (Def. 15).
Definition substeq {Γ} Δ (a b : conf Γ) : Prop
:= forall γ : Γ =[val]> Δ, evalₒ (a ₜ⊛ γ) ≈ evalₒ (b ₜ⊛ γ).
Notation "x ≈⟦sub Δ ⟧≈ y" := (substeq Δ x y) (at level 50).
Our main theorem: bisimilarity of induced OGS machine strategies is sound w.r.t. substitution equivalence, by applying barbed equivalence soundness, swapping the naive composition with the opaque one and then applying congruence.
Theorem ogs_correction {Γ} Δ (x y : conf Γ) : x ≈⟦ogs Δ⟧≈ y -> x ≈⟦sub Δ⟧≈ y.
intros H γ; unfold m_conf_eqv in H.
now rewrite 2 adequacy, H.
End with_param.
If you wish to double check these results you can run the following commands at this point in the file:
The first command will explicit the assumptions of the theorem, which we show how to provide with several examples:
The second command will explicit if any axiom has been used to establish the result. As stated in the prelude, we exclusively use Eq_rect_eq.eq_rect_eq, ie Streicher's axiom K.