Having defined the OGS game and axiomatized the language machine, we are now ready to construct the machine strategy.
We consider a language abstractly captured as a machine.
Context `{CC : context T C} {CL : context_laws T C}. Context {val} {VM : subst_monoid val} {VML : subst_monoid_laws val}. Context {conf} {CM : subst_module val conf} {CML : subst_module_laws val conf}. Context {obs : obs_struct T C} {M : machine val conf obs}.
We start off by defining active and passive OGS assignments (Def 5.16). This datastructure will hold the memory part of a strategy state, remembering the values which we have hidden from Opponent and given as fresh variables.
Inductive ogs_env (Δ : C) : polarity -> ogs_ctx -> Type := | ENilA : ogs_env Δ Act ∅ₓ | ENilP : ogs_env Δ Pas ∅ₓ | EConA {Φ Γ} : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ -> ogs_env Δ Act (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) | EConP {Φ Γ} : ogs_env Δ Act Φ -> Γ =[val]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺Φ) -> ogs_env Δ Pas (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) .
Notation "'ε⁺'" := (ENilA). Notation "'ε⁻'" := (ENilP). Notation "u ;⁺" := (EConA u). Notation "u ;⁻ e" := (EConP u e).
Next we define the collapsing function on OGS assignments (Def 5.18).
Equations collapse {Δ p Φ} : ogs_env Δ p Φ -> ↓[p^]Φ =[val]> (Δ +▶ ↓[p]Φ) := collapse ε⁺ := ! ; collapse ε⁻ := ! ; collapse (u ;⁺) := collapse u ⊛ᵣ r_cat3_1 ; collapse (u ;⁻ e) := [ collapse u , e ] . Notation "ₐ↓ γ" := (collapse γ).
We readily define the zipping function (Def 6.10).
#[derive(eliminator=no)] Equations bicollapse {Δ} Φ : ogs_env Δ Act Φ -> ogs_env Δ Pas Φ -> forall p, ↓[p]Φ =[val]> Δ := bicollapse ∅ₓ (ε⁺) (ε⁻) Act := ! ; bicollapse ∅ₓ (ε⁺) (ε⁻) Pas := ! ; bicollapse (Φ ▶ₓ _) (u ;⁺) (v ;⁻ γ) Act := [ bicollapse Φ v u Pas , γ ⊛ [ a_id , bicollapse Φ v u Act ] ] ; bicollapse (Φ ▶ₓ _) (v ;⁺) (u ;⁻ e) Pas := bicollapse Φ u v Act . #[global] Arguments bicollapse {Δ Φ} u v {p}.
And the fixpoint property linking collapsing and zipping (Prop 6.13).
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φₐ↓ u ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v /\ ₐ↓ v ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u vT, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φₐ↓ u ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v /\ ₐ↓ v ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u vT, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: Cₐ↓ ε⁺ ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse ε⁺ ε⁻] ≡ₐ bicollapse ε⁺ ε⁻ /\ ₐ↓ ε⁻ ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse ε⁺ ε⁻] ≡ₐ bicollapse ε⁺ ε⁻T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ: ctx C
x: C
u: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
a: x =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
IHΦ: forall (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ), ₐ↓ u ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v /\ ₐ↓ v ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u vₐ↓ (u;⁺) ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse (u;⁺) (v;⁻ a)] ≡ₐ bicollapse (u;⁺) (v;⁻ a) /\ ₐ↓ (v;⁻ a) ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse (u;⁺) (v;⁻ a)] ≡ₐ bicollapse (u;⁺) (v;⁻ a)split; intros ? i; now destruct (c_view_emp i).T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: Cₐ↓ ε⁺ ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse ε⁺ ε⁻] ≡ₐ bicollapse ε⁺ ε⁻ /\ ₐ↓ ε⁻ ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse ε⁺ ε⁻] ≡ₐ bicollapse ε⁺ ε⁻T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ: ctx C
x: C
u: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
a: x =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
IHΦ: forall (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ), ₐ↓ u ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v /\ ₐ↓ v ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u vₐ↓ (u;⁺) ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse (u;⁺) (v;⁻ a)] ≡ₐ bicollapse (u;⁺) (v;⁻ a) /\ ₐ↓ (v;⁻ a) ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse (u;⁺) (v;⁻ a)] ≡ₐ bicollapse (u;⁺) (v;⁻ a)T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ: ctx C
x: C
u: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
a: x =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
IHΦ: forall (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ), ₐ↓ u ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v /\ ₐ↓ v ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v(ₐ↓ u ⊛ᵣ r_cat3_1) ⊛ [a_id, [bicollapse v u, a ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse v u]]] ≡ₐ bicollapse v uT, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ: ctx C
x: C
u: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
a: x =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
IHΦ: forall (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ), ₐ↓ u ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v /\ ₐ↓ v ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v[ₐ↓ v, a] ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse v u] ≡ₐ [bicollapse v u, a ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse v u]]T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ: ctx C
x: C
u: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
a: x =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
IHΦ: forall (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ), ₐ↓ u ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v /\ ₐ↓ v ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v(ₐ↓ u ⊛ᵣ r_cat3_1) ⊛ [a_id, [bicollapse v u, a ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse v u]]] ≡ₐ bicollapse v uT, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ: ctx C
x: C
u: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
a: x =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
IHΦ: forall (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ), ₐ↓ u ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v /\ ₐ↓ v ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v
a0: T
i: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ a0ₐ↓ u a0 i ᵥ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse v u] = bicollapse v u a0 iT, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ: ctx C
x: C
u: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
a: x =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
IHΦ: forall (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ), ₐ↓ u ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v /\ ₐ↓ v ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v
a0: T
i: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ a0subst_monoid_laws valexact _. (* wtf typeclass?? *)T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ: ctx C
x: C
u: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
a: x =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
IHΦ: forall (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ), ₐ↓ u ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v /\ ₐ↓ v ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v
a0: T
i: ↓⁺ Φ ∋ a0subst_monoid_laws valT, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ: ctx C
x: C
u: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
a: x =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
IHΦ: forall (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ), ₐ↓ u ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v /\ ₐ↓ v ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v[ₐ↓ v, a] ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse v u] ≡ₐ [bicollapse v u, a ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse v u]]now apply IHΦ. Qed.T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ: ctx C
x: C
u: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
a: x =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ)
IHΦ: forall (u : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) (v : ogs_env Δ Pas Φ), ₐ↓ u ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v /\ ₐ↓ v ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v
a0: T
i: ↓⁻ Φ ∋ a0ₐ↓ v a0 i ᵥ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse v u] = bicollapse v u a0 iT, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φₐ↓ u ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u vnow apply collapse_fix_aux. Qed.T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φₐ↓ u ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u vT, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φₐ↓ v ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u vnow apply collapse_fix_aux. Qed.T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ: ogs_ctx
u: ogs_env Δ Act Φ
v: ogs_env Δ Pas Φₐ↓ v ⊛ [a_id, bicollapse u v] ≡ₐ bicollapse u v
Here we provide an alternative definition to the collapsing functions, using a more precisely typed lookup function. This is more practical to use when reasoning about the height of a variable, in the eventual guardedness proof.
First we compute actual useful subset of the context used by a particular variable.
Equations ctx_dom Φ p {x} : ↓[p^]Φ ∋ x -> C := ctx_dom ∅ₓ Act i with c_view_emp i := { | ! } ; ctx_dom ∅ₓ Pas i with c_view_emp i := { | ! } ; ctx_dom (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) Act i := ctx_dom Φ Pas i ; ctx_dom (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) Pas i with c_view_cat i := { | Vcat_l j := ctx_dom Φ Act j ; | Vcat_r j := ↓[Act]Φ } . #[global] Arguments ctx_dom {Φ p x} i.
Next we provide a renaming from this precise domain to the actual current allowed context.
Equations r_ctx_dom Φ p {x} (i : ↓[p^]Φ ∋ x) : ctx_dom i ⊆ ↓[p]Φ := r_ctx_dom ∅ₓ Act i with c_view_emp i := { | ! } ; r_ctx_dom ∅ₓ Pas i with c_view_emp i := { | ! } ; r_ctx_dom (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) Act i := r_ctx_dom Φ Pas i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_l ; r_ctx_dom (Φ ▶ₓ Γ) Pas i with c_view_cat i := { | Vcat_l j := r_ctx_dom Φ Act j ; | Vcat_r j := r_id } . #[global] Arguments r_ctx_dom {Φ p x} i.
We can write this more precise lookup function, returning a value in just the necessary context.
Equations lookup {Δ p Φ} (γ : ogs_env Δ p Φ) [x] (i : ↓[p^]Φ ∋ x) : val (Δ +▶ ctx_dom i) x := lookup ε⁺ i with c_view_emp i := { | ! } ; lookup ε⁻ i with c_view_emp i := { | ! } ; lookup (γ ;⁺) i := lookup γ i ; lookup (γ ;⁻ e) i with c_view_cat i := { | Vcat_l j := lookup γ j ; | Vcat_r j := e _ j } .
We relate the precise lookup with the previously defined collapse.
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
p: polarity
Φ: ogs_ctx
γ: ogs_env Δ p Φₐ↓ γ ≡ₐ (fun (x : T) (i : ↓[ p ^] Φ ∋ x) => lookup γ i ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r])T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
p: polarity
Φ: ogs_ctx
γ: ogs_env Δ p Φₐ↓ γ ≡ₐ (fun (x : T) (i : ↓[ p ^] Φ ∋ x) => lookup γ i ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r])T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ0: ogs_ctx
Γ: C
γ: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ0
x: T
i: ↓[ Act ^] (Φ0 ▶ₓ Γ) ∋ x
H: ₐ↓ γ x i = lookup γ i ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]ₐ↓ (γ;⁺) x i = lookup (γ;⁺) i ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ1: ogs_ctx
Γ0: C
γ: ogs_env Δ Act Φ1
e: Γ0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ1)
x: T
j: (fix join_pol (p : polarity) (o : ogs_ctx) {struct o} : C := match p with | Act => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ c0 => join_pol Pas c +▶ c0 end | Pas => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ _ => join_pol Act c end end o) Pas Φ1 ∋ x
H: ₐ↓ γ x j = lookup γ j ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom j ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_l j) = Vcat_l j
Heqcall: Logic.transport_r (fun refine : c_cat_view ((fix join_pol (p : polarity) (o : ogs_ctx) {struct o} : C := match p with | Act => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ c0 => join_pol Pas c +▶ c0 end | Pas => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ _ => join_pol Act c end end o) Pas Φ1) Γ0 x (r_cat_l j) => val (Δ +▶ ctx_dom_clause_4 (@ctx_dom) Φ1 Γ0 x (r_cat_l j) refine) x) Heq (lookup γ j) = lookup (γ;⁻ e) (r_cat_l j)ₐ↓ (γ;⁻ e) x (r_cat_l j) = lookup (γ;⁻ e) (r_cat_l j) ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom (r_cat_l j) ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ1: ogs_ctx
Γ0: C
γ: ogs_env Δ Act Φ1
e: Γ0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ1)
x: T
j: Γ0 ∋ x
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_r j) = Vcat_r j
Heqcall: Logic.transport_r (fun refine : c_cat_view ((fix join_pol (p : polarity) (o : ogs_ctx) {struct o} : C := match p with | Act => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ c0 => join_pol Pas c +▶ c0 end | Pas => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ _ => join_pol Act c end end o) Pas Φ1) Γ0 x (r_cat_r j) => val (Δ +▶ ctx_dom_clause_4 (@ctx_dom) Φ1 Γ0 x (r_cat_r j) refine) x) Heq (e x j) = lookup (γ;⁻ e) (r_cat_r j)ₐ↓ (γ;⁻ e) x (r_cat_r j) = lookup (γ;⁻ e) (r_cat_r j) ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom (r_cat_r j) ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ0: ogs_ctx
Γ: C
γ: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ0
x: T
i: ↓[ Act ^] (Φ0 ▶ₓ Γ) ∋ x
H: ₐ↓ γ x i = lookup γ i ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]ₐ↓ (γ;⁺) x i = lookup (γ;⁺) i ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ0: ogs_ctx
Γ: C
γ: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ0
x: T
i: ↓[ Act ^] (Φ0 ▶ₓ Γ) ∋ x
H: ₐ↓ γ x i = lookup γ i ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]lookup γ i ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r] ᵥ⊛ r_emb r_cat3_1 = lookup γ i ᵥ⊛ r_emb [r_cat_l, (r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_l) ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ0: ogs_ctx
Γ: C
γ: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ0
x: T
i: ↓[ Act ^] (Φ0 ▶ₓ Γ) ∋ x
H: ₐ↓ γ x i = lookup γ i ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]lookup γ i ᵥ⊛ r_emb [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r] ⊛ r_emb r_cat3_1 = lookup γ i ᵥ⊛ r_emb [r_cat_l, (r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_l) ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ0: ogs_ctx
Γ: C
γ: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ0
x: T
i: ↓[ Act ^] (Φ0 ▶ₓ Γ) ∋ x
H: ₐ↓ γ x i = lookup γ i ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]r_emb [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r] ⊛ r_emb r_cat3_1 ≡ₐ r_emb [r_cat_l, (r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_l) ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ0: ogs_ctx
Γ: C
γ: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ0
x: T
i: ↓[ Act ^] (Φ0 ▶ₓ Γ) ∋ x
H: ₐ↓ γ x i = lookup γ i ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]
a: T
j: Δ +▶ ctx_dom i ∋ ar_cat3_1 a match c_view_cat j with | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l i | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_ctx_dom i a j) end = match c_view_cat j with | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l i | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_l (r_ctx_dom i a j)) endT, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ0: ogs_ctx
Γ: C
γ: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ0
x: T
i: ↓[ Act ^] (Φ0 ▶ₓ Γ) ∋ x
H: ₐ↓ γ x i = lookup γ i ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]
a: T
i0: Δ ∋ amatch c_view_cat (r_cat_l i0) with | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l i | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_l j) end = r_cat_l i0T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ0: ogs_ctx
Γ: C
γ: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ0
x: T
i: ↓[ Act ^] (Φ0 ▶ₓ Γ) ∋ x
H: ₐ↓ γ x i = lookup γ i ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]
a: T
j: ctx_dom i ∋ amatch c_view_cat (r_cat_r (r_ctx_dom i a j)) with | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l i | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_l j) end = r_cat_r (r_cat_l (r_ctx_dom i a j))now rewrite c_view_cat_simpl_l.T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ0: ogs_ctx
Γ: C
γ: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ0
x: T
i: ↓[ Act ^] (Φ0 ▶ₓ Γ) ∋ x
H: ₐ↓ γ x i = lookup γ i ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]
a: T
i0: Δ ∋ amatch c_view_cat (r_cat_l i0) with | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l i | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_l j) end = r_cat_l i0now rewrite c_view_cat_simpl_r.T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ0: ogs_ctx
Γ: C
γ: ogs_env Δ Pas Φ0
x: T
i: ↓[ Act ^] (Φ0 ▶ₓ Γ) ∋ x
H: ₐ↓ γ x i = lookup γ i ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom i ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]
a: T
j: ctx_dom i ∋ amatch c_view_cat (r_cat_r (r_ctx_dom i a j)) with | Vcat_l i => r_cat_l i | Vcat_r j => r_cat_r (r_cat_l j) end = r_cat_r (r_cat_l (r_ctx_dom i a j))cbn; rewrite 2 c_view_cat_simpl_l; exact H.T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ1: ogs_ctx
Γ0: C
γ: ogs_env Δ Act Φ1
e: Γ0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ1)
x: T
j: (fix join_pol (p : polarity) (o : ogs_ctx) {struct o} : C := match p with | Act => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ c0 => join_pol Pas c +▶ c0 end | Pas => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ _ => join_pol Act c end end o) Pas Φ1 ∋ x
H: ₐ↓ γ x j = lookup γ j ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom j ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_l j) = Vcat_l j
Heqcall: Logic.transport_r (fun refine : c_cat_view ((fix join_pol (p : polarity) (o : ogs_ctx) {struct o} : C := match p with | Act => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ c0 => join_pol Pas c +▶ c0 end | Pas => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ _ => join_pol Act c end end o) Pas Φ1) Γ0 x (r_cat_l j) => val (Δ +▶ ctx_dom_clause_4 (@ctx_dom) Φ1 Γ0 x (r_cat_l j) refine) x) Heq (lookup γ j) = lookup (γ;⁻ e) (r_cat_l j)ₐ↓ (γ;⁻ e) x (r_cat_l j) = lookup (γ;⁻ e) (r_cat_l j) ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom (r_cat_l j) ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ1: ogs_ctx
Γ0: C
γ: ogs_env Δ Act Φ1
e: Γ0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ1)
x: T
j: Γ0 ∋ x
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_r j) = Vcat_r j
Heqcall: Logic.transport_r (fun refine : c_cat_view ((fix join_pol (p : polarity) (o : ogs_ctx) {struct o} : C := match p with | Act => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ c0 => join_pol Pas c +▶ c0 end | Pas => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ _ => join_pol Act c end end o) Pas Φ1) Γ0 x (r_cat_r j) => val (Δ +▶ ctx_dom_clause_4 (@ctx_dom) Φ1 Γ0 x (r_cat_r j) refine) x) Heq (e x j) = lookup (γ;⁻ e) (r_cat_r j)ₐ↓ (γ;⁻ e) x (r_cat_r j) = lookup (γ;⁻ e) (r_cat_r j) ᵥ⊛ᵣ [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom (r_cat_r j) ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ1: ogs_ctx
Γ0: C
γ: ogs_env Δ Act Φ1
e: Γ0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ1)
x: T
j: Γ0 ∋ x
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_r j) = Vcat_r j
Heqcall: Logic.transport_r (fun refine : c_cat_view ((fix join_pol (p : polarity) (o : ogs_ctx) {struct o} : C := match p with | Act => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ c0 => join_pol Pas c +▶ c0 end | Pas => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ _ => join_pol Act c end end o) Pas Φ1) Γ0 x (r_cat_r j) => val (Δ +▶ ctx_dom_clause_4 (@ctx_dom) Φ1 Γ0 x (r_cat_r j) refine) x) Heq (e x j) = lookup (γ;⁻ e) (r_cat_r j)e x j = lookup_clause_4 (@lookup) Δ Φ1 Γ0 γ e x (r_cat_r j) (Vcat_r j) ᵥ⊛ r_emb [r_cat_l, r_ctx_dom_clause_4 (@r_ctx_dom) Φ1 Γ0 x (r_cat_r j) (Vcat_r j) ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r]symmetry; apply v_var_sub. Qed.T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
Φ1: ogs_ctx
Γ0: C
γ: ogs_env Δ Act Φ1
e: Γ0 =[ val ]> (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ1)
x: T
j: Γ0 ∋ x
Heq: c_view_cat (r_cat_r j) = Vcat_r j
Heqcall: Logic.transport_r (fun refine : c_cat_view ((fix join_pol (p : polarity) (o : ogs_ctx) {struct o} : C := match p with | Act => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ c0 => join_pol Pas c +▶ c0 end | Pas => fun o0 : ogs_ctx => match o0 with | ∅ₓ => ∅ | c ▶ₓ _ => join_pol Act c end end o) Pas Φ1) Γ0 x (r_cat_r j) => val (Δ +▶ ctx_dom_clause_4 (@ctx_dom) Φ1 Γ0 x (r_cat_r j) refine) x) Heq (e x j) = lookup (γ;⁻ e) (r_cat_r j)e x j = e x j ᵥ⊛ r_emb r_id
We define active and passive states of the machine strategy. Active states consist of the pair of a language configuration and an active OGS assignement. Passive states consist solely of a passive OGS assignement.
Record m_strat_act Δ (Φ : ogs_ctx) : Type := MS { ms_conf : conf (Δ +▶ ↓⁺Φ) ; ms_env : ogs_env Δ Act Φ ; }. #[global] Arguments MS {Δ Φ}. #[global] Arguments ms_conf {Δ Φ}. #[global] Arguments ms_env {Δ Φ}. Definition m_strat_pas Δ : psh ogs_ctx := ogs_env Δ Pas.
Next we define the action and reaction morphisms of the machine strategy. First m_strat_wrap provides the active transition given an already evaluated normal form, such that the action morphism m_strat_play only has to evaluate the active part of the state. m_strat_resp mostly is a wrapper around oapp, our analogue to the embedding from normal forms to language configurations present in the paper.
Definition m_strat_wrap {Δ Φ} (γ : ogs_env Δ Act Φ) : nf _ _ (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ Φ) -> (obs∙ Δ + h_actv ogs_hg (m_strat_pas Δ) Φ) := fun n => match c_view_cat (nf_var n) with | Vcat_l i => inl (i ⋅ nf_obs n) | Vcat_r j => inr ((j ⋅ nf_obs n) ,' (γ ;⁻ nf_args n)) end . Definition m_strat_play {Δ Φ} (ms : m_strat_act Δ Φ) : delay (obs∙ Δ + h_actv ogs_hg (m_strat_pas Δ) Φ) := fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap ms.(ms_env)) (eval ms.(ms_conf)). Definition m_strat_resp {Δ Φ} (γ : m_strat_pas Δ Φ) : h_pasv ogs_hg (m_strat_act Δ) Φ := fun m => {| ms_conf := (ₐ↓γ _ (m_var m) ᵥ⊛ᵣ r_cat3_1) ⊙ (m_obs m)⦗r_cat_rr ᵣ⊛ a_id⦘ ; ms_env := γ ;⁺ |} .
These action and reaction morphisms define a coalgebra, which we now embed into the final coalgebra by looping them coinductively. This constructs the indexed interaction tree arising from starting the machine strategy at a given state.
Definition m_strat {Δ} : m_strat_act Δ ⇒ᵢ ogs_act Δ := cofix _m_strat Φ e := subst_delay (fun r => go match r with | inl m => RetF m | inr (x ,' p) => VisF x (fun r : ogs_e.(e_rsp) _ => _m_strat _ (m_strat_resp p r)) end) (m_strat_play e).
We also provide a wrapper for the passive version of the above map.
Definition m_stratp {Δ} : m_strat_pas Δ ⇒ᵢ ogs_pas Δ := fun _ x m => m_strat _ (m_strat_resp x m).
We define the notion of equivalence on machine-strategy states given by the weak bisimilarity of the induced infinite trees. There is an active version, and a passive version, working pointwise.
Definition m_strat_act_eqv {Δ} : relᵢ (m_strat_act Δ) (m_strat_act Δ) := fun i x y => m_strat i x ≈ m_strat i y. Notation "x ≈ₐ y" := (m_strat_act_eqv _ x y). Definition m_strat_pas_eqv {Δ} : relᵢ (m_strat_pas Δ) (m_strat_pas Δ) := fun i x y => forall m, m_strat_resp x m ≈ₐ m_strat_resp y m . Notation "x ≈ₚ y" := (m_strat_pas_eqv _ x y).
A technical lemma explaining how the infinite strategy unfolds.
T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ am_strat a x ≊ subst_delay (fun r : (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ) a + {x : e_qry a & m_strat_pas Δ (g_next x)} => {| _observe := match r with | inl m => RetF m | inr (x,' p) => VisF x (fun r0 : e_rsp x => m_strat (g_next r0) (m_strat_resp p r0)) end |}) (m_strat_play x)T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ am_strat a x ≊ subst_delay (fun r : (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ) a + {x : e_qry a & m_strat_pas Δ (g_next x)} => {| _observe := match r with | inl m => RetF m | inr (x,' p) => VisF x (fun r0 : e_rsp x => m_strat (g_next r0) (m_strat_resp p r0)) end |}) (m_strat_play x)T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ ait_eqF ogs_e (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ)) (it_eq (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ))) a match match _observe (eval (ms_conf x)) with | RetF r => RetF (m_strat_wrap (ms_env x) r) | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (ms_env x)) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun _ : T1 => m_strat_wrap (ms_env x)) <$> k r) end with | RetF (inl m) => RetF m | RetF (inr (x,' p)) => VisF x (fun r0 : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r0) (m_strat_resp p r0)) | TauF t => TauF (subst_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {x : obs ∙ ↓⁺ a & m_strat_pas Δ (a ▶ₓ m_dom x)} => {| _observe := match r with | inl m => RetF m | inr (x,' p) => VisF x (fun r0 : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r0) (m_strat_resp p r0)) end |}) t) | VisF e _ => match e return (itree' ogs_e (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ) a) with end end match match _observe (eval (ms_conf x)) with | RetF r => RetF (m_strat_wrap (ms_env x) r) | TauF t => TauF (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (ms_env x)) t) | VisF e k => VisF e (fun r : ex_falso e => (fun _ : T1 => m_strat_wrap (ms_env x)) <$> k r) end with | RetF (inl m) => RetF m | RetF (inr (x,' p)) => VisF x (fun r0 : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r0) (m_strat_resp p r0)) | TauF t => TauF (subst_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {x : obs ∙ ↓⁺ a & m_strat_pas Δ (a ▶ₓ m_dom x)} => {| _observe := match r with | inl m => RetF m | inr (x,' p) => VisF x (fun r0 : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r0) (m_strat_resp p r0)) end |}) t) | VisF e _ => match e return (itree' ogs_e (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ) a) with end endT, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
r: nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)it_eqF ogs_e (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ)) (it_eq (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ))) a match m_strat_wrap (ms_env x) r with | inl m => RetF m | inr (x,' p) => VisF x (fun r : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r) (m_strat_resp p r)) end match m_strat_wrap (ms_env x) r with | inl m => RetF m | inr (x,' p) => VisF x (fun r : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r) (m_strat_resp p r)) endT, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
t: itree ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)) T1_0it_eqF ogs_e (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ)) (it_eq (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ))) a (TauF (subst_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {x : obs ∙ ↓⁺ a & m_strat_pas Δ (a ▶ₓ m_dom x)} => {| _observe := match r with | inl m => RetF m | inr (x,' p) => VisF x (fun r0 : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r0) (m_strat_resp p r0)) end |}) (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (ms_env x)) t))) (TauF (subst_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {x : obs ∙ ↓⁺ a & m_strat_pas Δ (a ▶ₓ m_dom x)} => {| _observe := match r with | inl m => RetF m | inr (x,' p) => VisF x (fun r0 : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r0) (m_strat_resp p r0)) end |}) (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (ms_env x)) t)))T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
q: e_qry T1_0
k: forall r : e_rsp q, itree ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)) (e_nxt r)it_eqF ogs_e (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ)) (it_eq (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ))) a match q return (itree' ogs_e (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ) a) with end match q return (itree' ogs_e (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ) a) with endT, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
r: nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)it_eqF ogs_e (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ)) (it_eq (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ))) a match m_strat_wrap (ms_env x) r with | inl m => RetF m | inr (x,' p) => VisF x (fun r : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r) (m_strat_resp p r)) end match m_strat_wrap (ms_env x) r with | inl m => RetF m | inr (x,' p) => VisF x (fun r : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r) (m_strat_resp p r)) endT, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
r: nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)
p: obs ∙ Δit_eqF ogs_e (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ)) (it_eq (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ))) a (RetF p) (RetF p)T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
r: nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)
h: h_actv ogs_hg (m_strat_pas Δ) ait_eqF ogs_e (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ)) (it_eq (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ))) a (let (x, p) := h in VisF x (fun r : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r) (m_strat_resp p r))) (let (x, p) := h in VisF x (fun r : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r) (m_strat_resp p r)))T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
r: nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)
h: h_actv ogs_hg (m_strat_pas Δ) ait_eqF ogs_e (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ)) (it_eq (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ))) a (let (x, p) := h in VisF x (fun r : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r) (m_strat_resp p r))) (let (x, p) := h in VisF x (fun r : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r) (m_strat_resp p r)))apply it_eq_t_equiv.T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
r: nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)
x0: g_move a
m: m_strat_pas Δ (g_next x0)
r0: e_rsp x0m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x0 ▶ₓ m_dom r0) (m_strat_resp m r0) ≊ m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x0 ▶ₓ m_dom r0) (m_strat_resp m r0)T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
t: itree ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)) T1_0it_eqF ogs_e (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ)) (it_eq (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ))) a (TauF (subst_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {x : obs ∙ ↓⁺ a & m_strat_pas Δ (a ▶ₓ m_dom x)} => {| _observe := match r with | inl m => RetF m | inr (x,' p) => VisF x (fun r0 : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r0) (m_strat_resp p r0)) end |}) (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (ms_env x)) t))) (TauF (subst_delay (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {x : obs ∙ ↓⁺ a & m_strat_pas Δ (a ▶ₓ m_dom x)} => {| _observe := match r with | inl m => RetF m | inr (x,' p) => VisF x (fun r0 : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r0) (m_strat_resp p r0)) end |}) (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (ms_env x)) t)))T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
t: itree ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)) T1_0(eq ==> it_eq (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ)) (i:=a))%signature (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {x : obs ∙ ↓⁺ a & m_strat_pas Δ (a ▶ₓ m_dom x)} => {| _observe := match r with | inl m => RetF m | inr (x,' p) => VisF x (fun r0 : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r0) (m_strat_resp p r0)) end |}) (fun r : obs ∙ Δ + {x : obs ∙ ↓⁺ a & m_strat_pas Δ (a ▶ₓ m_dom x)} => {| _observe := match r with | inl m => RetF m | inr (x,' p) => VisF x (fun r0 : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r0) (m_strat_resp p r0)) end |})T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
t: itree ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)) T1_0it_eq (fun _ : T1 => eq) (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (ms_env x)) t) (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (ms_env x)) t)T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
t: itree ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)) T1_0
x0: (obs ∙ Δ + {x : obs ∙ ↓⁺ a & m_strat_pas Δ (a ▶ₓ m_dom x)})%typeit_eqF ogs_e (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ)) (it_eq (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ))) a match x0 with | inl m => RetF m | inr (x,' p) => VisF x (fun r : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r) (m_strat_resp p r)) end match x0 with | inl m => RetF m | inr (x,' p) => VisF x (fun r : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r) (m_strat_resp p r)) endT, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
t: itree ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)) T1_0it_eq (fun _ : T1 => eq) (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (ms_env x)) t) (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (ms_env x)) t)T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
t: itree ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)) T1_0
p: obs ∙ Δit_eqF ogs_e (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ)) (it_eq (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ))) a (RetF p) (RetF p)T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
t: itree ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)) T1_0
s: {x : obs ∙ ↓⁺ a & m_strat_pas Δ (a ▶ₓ m_dom x)}it_eqF ogs_e (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ)) (it_eq (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ))) a (let (x, p) := s in VisF x (fun r : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r) (m_strat_resp p r))) (let (x, p) := s in VisF x (fun r : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r) (m_strat_resp p r)))T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
t: itree ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)) T1_0it_eq (fun _ : T1 => eq) (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (ms_env x)) t) (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (ms_env x)) t)now econstructor.T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
t: itree ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)) T1_0
p: obs ∙ Δit_eqF ogs_e (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ)) (it_eq (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ))) a (RetF p) (RetF p)destruct s; econstructor; intro; now apply it_eq_t_equiv.T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
t: itree ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)) T1_0
s: {x : obs ∙ ↓⁺ a & m_strat_pas Δ (a ▶ₓ m_dom x)}it_eqF ogs_e (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ)) (it_eq (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ))) a (let (x, p) := s in VisF x (fun r : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r) (m_strat_resp p r))) (let (x, p) := s in VisF x (fun r : obs ∙ (↓⁻ a +▶ m_dom x) => m_strat (a ▶ₓ m_dom x ▶ₓ m_dom r) (m_strat_resp p r)))now apply it_eq_t_equiv.T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
t: itree ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)) T1_0it_eq (fun _ : T1 => eq) (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (ms_env x)) t) (fmap_delay (m_strat_wrap (ms_env x)) t)destruct q. Qed.T, C: Type
CC: context T C
CL: context_laws T C
val: Fam₁ T C
VM: subst_monoid val
VML: subst_monoid_laws val
conf: Fam₀ T C
CM: subst_module val conf
CML: subst_module_laws val conf
obs: obs_struct T C
M: machine val conf obs
Δ: C
a: ogs_ctx
x: m_strat_act Δ a
q: e_qry T1_0
k: forall r : e_rsp q, itree ∅ₑ (fun _ : T1 => nf obs val (Δ +▶ ↓⁺ a)) (e_nxt r)it_eqF ogs_e (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ)) (it_eq (eqᵢ (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ))) a match q return (itree' ogs_e (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ) a) with end match q return (itree' ogs_e (fun _ : ogs_ctx => obs ∙ Δ) a) with end
Next we construct the initial states. The active initial state is given by simply a configuration from the language machine while a passive initial state is given by an assignment into the final context Δ.
Definition inj_init_act Δ {Γ} (c : conf Γ) : m_strat_act Δ (∅ₓ ▶ₓ Γ) := {| ms_conf := c ₜ⊛ᵣ (r_cat_r ᵣ⊛ r_cat_r) ; ms_env := ε⁻ ;⁺ |}. Definition inj_init_pas {Δ Γ} (γ : Γ =[val]> Δ) : m_strat_pas Δ (∅ₓ ▶ₓ Γ) := ε⁺ ;⁻ (γ ⊛ᵣ r_cat_l).
This defines a notion of equivalence on the configurations of the language: bisimilarity of the induced strategies.
Definition m_conf_eqv Δ : relᵢ conf conf := fun Γ u v => inj_init_act Δ u ≈ₐ inj_init_act Δ v .
Finally we define composition of two matching machine-strategy states.
Record reduce_t (Δ : C) : Type := RedT { red_ctx : ogs_ctx ; red_act : m_strat_act Δ red_ctx ; red_pas : m_strat_pas Δ red_ctx } . #[global] Arguments RedT {Δ Φ} u v : rename. #[global] Arguments red_ctx {Δ}. #[global] Arguments red_act {Δ}. #[global] Arguments red_pas {Δ}.
First the composition equation.
Definition compo_body {Δ} (x : reduce_t Δ) : delay (reduce_t Δ + obs∙ Δ) := fmap_delay (fun r => match r with | inl r => inr r | inr e => inl (RedT (m_strat_resp x.(red_pas) (projT1 e)) (projT2 e)) end) (m_strat_play x.(red_act)).
Then its naive fixpoint.
Definition compo {Δ a} (u : m_strat_act Δ a) (v : m_strat_pas Δ a) : delay (obs∙ Δ) := iter_delay compo_body (RedT u v). End with_param.
Finally we expose a bunch of notations to make everything more readable.
#[global] Notation "'ε⁺'" := (ENilA). #[global] Notation "'ε⁻'" := (ENilP). #[global] Notation "u ;⁺" := (EConA u). #[global] Notation "u ;⁻ e" := (EConP u e). #[global] Notation "ₐ↓ γ" := (collapse γ). #[global] Notation "u ∥ v" := (compo u v). #[global] Notation "x ≈ₐ y" := (m_strat_act_eqv _ x y). #[global] Notation "x ≈ₚ y" := (m_strat_pas_eqv _ x y). #[global] Notation "x ≈⟦ogs Δ ⟧≈ y" := (m_conf_eqv Δ _ x y).