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An abstract, certified account of operational game semantics

This is the companion artifact to the ESOP paper. The main contributions of this library are:


  • Author(s):
    • Peio Borthelle
    • Tom Hirschowitz
    • Guilhem Jaber
    • Yannick Zakowski
  • License: GPLv3
  • Compatible Coq versions: 8.17
  • Additional dependencies:
  • Coq namespace: OGS
  • Documentation

Getting Started

To simply typecheck the Coq proofs, we provide a Docker image preloaded with all the dependencies. The instructions to run it are given below. If instead you want to manually install the OGS library on your own system, follow the instructions from the section "Local Installation" at the end of the file.

First, ensure that your docker daemon is running.

We recommend building the docker image from source, by executing the following command from the root of the repository. Note that this requires network access and will download around 1.5GiB from hub.docker.com.

make docker-build

Alternatively, if you prefer, you can download the precompiled image docker_coq-ogs.tar.gz from the Zenodo archive of this artifact, and load it into docker with the following command.

docker image load -i path/to/docker_coq-ogs.tar.gz

After the image is built or loaded from the file, verify that it is indeed listed by the following command.

docker image ls coq-ogs:latest

This image contains the full code artifact in the directory /home/coq/ogs. The default command for the image typechecks the whole repository. Run it with a tty to see the progress with the following command. This should take around 3-5min and conclude by displaying information about several soudness theorems.

docker run --tty coq-ogs:latest

Step-by-Step Reproduction

The above "Getting Started" section already describes how to typecheck the whole repository, validating our claims of certification from the paper. The concluding output arises from a special file which we have included, Checks.v, which imports core theorems, displays their type and list of arguments, as well as the assumptions (axioms) they depend on.

If you wish to further inspect the repository, the following command will start an interactive shell inside the container.

docker run --tty --interactive coq-ogs:latest

The following section details in more precision the content of each file and their relationship to the paper. We have furthermore tried to thoroughly comment most parts of the development. If you prefer to navigate the code in a web browser, an HTML rendering of the whole code together with the proof state during intermediate steps is provided at the following URL:



Structure of the repository

The Coq source code is contained in the theory/ directory, which has the following structure, in approximate order of dependency.

  • Readme.v: This file.
  • Prelude.v: Imports and setup.
  • Utils/ directory: general utilities.
  • Ctx/ directory: general metatheory of substitution. This material has been largely left untold in the paper, and as explained in the artifact report, we introduce a novel gadget for abstracting over scope and variable representations.
    • Family.v: Definition of scoped and sorted families (Def. 4).
    • Abstract.v: Definition of scope structures. The comments make this file a good entry-point to the understand the constructions from this directory.
    • Assignment.v: Generic definition of assignments (Def. 5 and 6).
    • Renaming.v: Generic definition of renamings as variable assignments, together with their important equational laws.
    • Ctx.v: Definition of concrete contexts (lists) and dependently-typed DeBruijn indices.
    • Covering.v: Instanciation of the scope structure for concrete contexts from Ctx.v.
    • DirectSum.v: Direct sum of scope structures.
    • Subset.v: Sub-scope structure.
    • Subst.v: Axiomatization of substitution monoid and substitution module (Def. 7 and 8), axiomatization of clear-cut variables (Def. 27).
  • ITree/ directory: implementation of a variant of interaction trees over indexed types.
    • Event.v: Indexed events (i.e., indexed containers) parameterizing the interactions of an itree.
    • ITree.v: Coinductive definition.
    • Eq.v: Strong and weak bisimilarity over interaction trees.
    • Structure.v: Combinators (definitions) for the monadic structure and unguarded iteration (Def. 31).
    • Properties.v: General properties of the combinators (Prop. 3).
    • Guarded.v: (Eventually) guarded equations and iterations over them, together with their unicity property (Def. 30, 33 and 34 and Prop. 5).
    • Delay.v: Definition of the delay monad (as a special case of interaction trees over the empty event) (Def. 9 and 10).
  • OGS/ directory: construction of a sound OGS model for an abstract language machine.
    • Obs.v: Axiomatization of observation structure (Def. 12) and normal forms (part of Def. 13).
    • Machine.v: Axiomatization of evaluation structures (Def. 11), language machines (Def. 13) and focused redexes (Def. 28).
    • Game.v: Abstract games (Def. 16 and 18) and OGS game definition (Def. 21--23).
    • Strategy.v: Machine strategy (Def. 24--26) and composition.
    • CompGuarded.v: Proof of eventual guardedness of the equation defining the composition of strategies (Prop. 6).
    • Adequacy.v: Proof of adequacy of composition (Prop. 7).
    • Congruence.v: Proof of congruence of composition (Prop. 4).
    • Soundness.v: Proof of soundness of the OGS (Thm. 8).
  • Examples/ directory: concrete language machines instanciating the generic construction and soundness theorem.
    • STLC_CBV.v: Simply typed, call-by-value, lambda calculus, with a unit type and recursive functions. This example is the most commented, with a complete walk-through of the instanciation.
    • ULC_CBV.v: Pure, untyped, call-by-value, lambda calculus. This example demonstrate that the intrinsically typed and scoped approach still handles untyped calculi, by treating them as "unityped".
    • SystemD.v: Mu-mu-tilde calculus variant System D from Downen and Ariola, polarized. This is our "flagship" example, as it is a very expressive calculus. We have dropped existential and universal type quantifier as our framework only captures simple types. We have added a slightly ad-hoc construction to enable general recursion, making the calculus non-normalizing.
    • SystemL_CBV.v: mu-mu-tilde calculus variant System L, in call by value (i.e., lambda-bar-mu-mu-tilde-Q calculus from Herbelin and Curien).
  • Checks.v: Interactively display information about the most important theorems.


The whole development relies only on axiom K, a conventional and sound axiom from Coq's standard library (more precisely, Eq_rect_eq.eq_rect_eq). It is used by Equations to perform some dependent pattern matching.

This fact can be verified from the output of typechecking Checks.v. It can also be double checked in an interactive mode.

  • For the abstract result of soundness of the OGS by running Print Assumptions ogs_correction. at the end of Soundness.v.
  • For any particular example, for instance by running Print Assumptions stlc_ciu_correct. at the end of STLC_CBV.v.

Local Installation

The most convenient way to experiment and develop with this library is to install Coq locally and use some IDE such as emacs. To do so, first ensure you have the source code for the project or download it with the following command.

git clone -b esop25 https://github.com/lapin0t/ogs.git
cd ogs

To install the Coq dependencies, first ensure you have a working opam installation. This should usually be obtained from your systems package distribution, see https://opam.ocaml.org/doc/Install.html for further information.

Check if you have added the coq-released package repository with the command opam repo. If it does not appear, add it with the following command.

opam repo add coq-released https://coq.inria.fr/opam/released

Then, from the root of the repository, install the dependencies with the following command

opam install --deps-only .

We stress that the development has been only checked to compile against these specific dependencies. In particular, it does not compiled at the moment against latest version of coq-coinduction due to major changes in the API.

Finally, typecheck the code with the following command, again from the root of the repository. This should take around 3-5min.

dune build

Generating the Alectryon documentation

To build the html documentation, first install Alectryon:

opam install "coq-serapi==8.17.0+0.17.3"
python3 -m pip install --user alectryon

Then build the documentation with the following command.

make doc

The html should now be generated in the docs folder. You can start a local web server to view it with:

make serve